Two Under 2

Feeling a bit isolated/depressed at home?

Hello ladies, 

 I am a fellow two under 2 mommie, i have three kids total, and a stay at home mom. The babies keep me busy and sometimes i feel like i can go a bit looney being home all day! i mean no communication with adults, isolation from friends, cartoons all day..just feel like its kinda depressing you all feel the same way? what do u do to keep from feeling this way??

my hubby and i have date nites on sat, and i try to go oiut on my own or with friends once a week...still it can be a bit lonely :/ 

Re: Feeling a bit isolated/depressed at home?

  • Of course and I just have my one son (so far)! Being a SAHM is rewarding but also really hard. I miss grown up talk a lot. My DH is a firefighter which means when he goes to work hes gone for a 24 hour shift. It gets pretty lonely. We go out a lot, which is a pain in Chicago winter but I have to otherwise I will go nuts. I call my friends at work and they welcome the distraction. Sometimes I meet them for quick lunches by my old work. It's not the same but try and make more adult connections during the day, even if it's just on the phone for your sanity! :)
  • Yes, I totally do - and that's why I have the Bump Wink  But seriously, sometimes the internet is my connection to other adults.

    We do a weekly playgroup, I go to the monthly mom's group at my church, I seek out playdates or go to the park. I'm very close to my mom and we see her several times a week.  Sometimes I find myself chatting up the grocers or the solicitors that come to my door and then I laugh and explain that they are the first adult I've talked to all day.  I seriously had like a 20min conversation with someone selling vacuums at my door one day!! 

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • Yup - it's really hard staying home. I have a monthly cry about it, probably. But we also don't have a lot of friends and no family in the area. We don't go out because we don't have a sitter. If we had someone we trusted to come and watch the kids a few times a week I would definitely get a PT job. I miss adults and depend on DH for 95% of my adult interaction/conversation...and that isn't fair to him either. So you are not alone!
  • Totally normal to feel like this!  Can you invite friends and their kids over to play?  I've found that it's actually easier to have people here than to go elsewhere, but having someone to talk to is great.  I also have a standing afternoon appt with a friend to go on a walk with our dogs.
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