when did you start taking LO to story time at the library? Our local library has a lapsit time for pre-walkers and i really want to get out of the house more. I'm just not sure if I should wait a few more months or give it a try.
We started getting out of the house more once my DD's schedule was more preditable at about 5 months. Go as early as you can so you both get used to being out. You can always leave if it is not going well.
Thanks for the replies! I'm going to try it this week. I always run errands with DD and she is really good. I guess I'm just nervous to take her to storytime because I don't know anyone who goes and I'm not sure how she will do. I'll just leave if she doesn't do well and try again another time. Thanks for the encouragement.
Re: story time
We started most activities between 3-5 months as I really needed to make friends and get out to socialize!
Sounds like a great way to make friends, you should go!
eclaire 9.10.06 diggy 6.2.11