Babies on the Brain

Oh wow. Desperate Housewives storyline

The two guys are trying to adopt a baby and their first birth mother changed her mind. 

The one guy was telling her how they wanted to adopt and Gabby said "WHY?! You have a great life! Why ruin it with a kid? Once you have a kid all of that goes away!"

He said "I know. We can't wait for that".

Thought I was going to cry.

TTC #1 - Cycle 29 - BFP!! 03/05/10
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Re: Oh wow. Desperate Housewives storyline

  • Me too.  I did tear up.  I know of too many girls from here that have actually gone through that.  :(

    SAHM to 4 kiddos... K (5/05), N (4/09), C (11/10) and Baby A 1/13/14

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