I know there ISN'T a substitute to drinking water, but is there anything I can drink that is close to water? Water, even when not PG, gives me heartburn. So, I am not a water drinker. I know it's the best thing to drink, so I need to, so I am looking for a substitute.
And I am sitting here laughing so freaking hard. It took me so long to type this post in a way that I would not sound like an idiot, and I STILL sound like one, LMAO!! I already totally have pregnancy brain. Sheesh.
Re: Water substitute?
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Wow, I've never heard of anyone getting heartburn from water. I have to put lime juice in mine in order to drink it. Just plain water does not entice me. Or, I'll throw some frozen berries in my water bottle, which gives it some flavor w/o adding sugar. I wonder if the fruit would contribute to or help your heartburn.
Watermelon gives me heartburn too. : ( Which is a bummer, b/c I LOVE watermelon.
I do really like the Diet Lipton Green tea with citrus. And I don't think it has any artificial crap in it......
So do you drink any water during the day? If so how much do you drink during the day? I mean there really is not a substitute for water.
I do get that some people just don't like water but so much of our bodies are made up of it that I can't imagine not wanting to drink it. However, I have heard of people doing Crystal Light or other mixers with it. Crystal Light does contain artificial sweeteners so I probably would not be comfortable drinking it every day.
I know. It's totally weird. My mom is the same way.
To be completely honest, I don't drink water. At all. I haven't had a glass of water in ages b/c I get such nasty heartburn.
Diet lipton tea has artificial sweetener (aspartame) in it. Also, some people will say you should avoid green tea while pregnant, but I think it's controversial.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Hmmmmmm...... That sucks. ; ) Thanks for the info!!!!
Water causing heartburn is actually not that uncommon. If you google it (I just did, lol) there are a lot of people out there that it happens to. Nice to know I am not a complete freak!
doesn't propel have artificial sweeteners in it too?
Nope it's sucrose
No kidding?! I acutally drank Propel all through my last pregnancy. I drank A LOT of it. I might just have to back to that.
As for Propel having a lot of AS, I'm not sure, but I am definitely going to checkit out.
Vitamin Water may be a good thing to try. I don't care for flavored water but it is pretty tolerable. I have heard of women on here putting cucumbers, lemons and fruit in their water.
I drink a lot of water but have wanted something else from time to time so I have been drinking Capri Sun every now and then. It definitely isn't a water substitute but something other to drink besides water that doesn't have artificial sweeteners in it. Although, I am sure it has it's fair share of regular sugar so I have it in moderation.
Actually, Propel contains sucrose AND sucralose which is an artificial sweetener. I was jsut looking at it a few days ago.
Careful with the Crystal light it actually has a LOT of acid in it. I am just like you and get heartburn from just about everything and crystal light actually upgraded my heartburn to an all out ulcer.
If you get heartburn that easily there really isn't anything you can drink that will not cause heartburn. Try drinking Fiji water with just a splash of lemon or lime or berries for flavor. Something about Fiji water, at least for me, is less heartburn inducing. The other thing I do is try to keep triscuts or wheat thins around to munch on as they help make you thirsty for the water and provide your stomach with something to absorb the acid. Good luck!
Little Lucy Bird
What about just taking a zantac and still drinking water? Zantac is safe during pregnancy. You need to drink water. Dehydration can cause preterm labor - I was in the hospital twice with dehydration when I was pregnant with DS and it was causing preterm labor (as in, 23 weeks and 27 weeks.) After the first time, I upped my water intake, but we also moved to Texas in the dead of summer and it wasn't enough.... after the second time, I upped my water intake even more and drank one of those giant gatorade things throughout the course of two days, per doctors orders.
You NEED water to help protect your baby.
Do you like apple juice?
I get the low sugar 100% concentrate kind and mix half water half juice. I drink lots of water, but I do this maybe once or twice a day for something different.
Water tasted really nasty to me until recently. I ate a lot of apples and oranges and that really helped with the thirst.
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