Babies on the Brain

They're talking about the luger who died.


It's breaking my heart all over again.

At least they aren't showing the footage anymore.

(is luger a word?)

TTC #1 - Cycle 29 - BFP!! 03/05/10
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Re: They're talking about the luger who died.

  • I know, so sad!
    Baby #1 edd 4/21/07 - Matthias James born 5/2/07, 9 lbs, 22 in

    Baby # 2 edd 11/26/08 - Ezra Jacob born 11/29/08, 9 lbs 6 oz., 21 3/4 in

    Baby #3 edd 05/04/13 - Titus Jude born 05/01/13, 9 lb 5 oz. 21.5 in

  • ugh so sad. i was furious when i had heard they showed the footage. how insensitive!!!!
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