Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Bottle Switch Suggestion

We have been using Dr. Brown's bottles and I'm looking to switch to something without all the parts.  Any suggestions?  TIA!

Re: Bottle Switch Suggestion

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    I've never used Dr. Brown's, but I love Born Free bottles. There is just the nipple with ring and then an insert for the top. Maybe you are looking for less pieces than that, but I love them.
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    We love Dr Brown's, but agree about the parts.  I have had good luck with the playtex ventaire. It does have one extra part, but much easier to clean.  The numbers have also worn off the side of the ventaire really quickly, but other than that I love them. 

    We have also used playtex drop-ins.  I liked these, except for the fact that they cannot go in the bottle warmer, so you have to heat them in a cup of hot water. Not a huge deal, but not as easy as the bottle warmer for us.


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    Born free is great. Still has pieces, but not as many.
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    Just playing devil's advocate here.  I know people who like both the ventair and born free, and I have both and don't really like either over all.  Out of the 2, I prefer born free.  I like that their bottles are wider and not as tippy and the mouth is bigger and much easier to pour into.  I don't like that the nipples are wider than Dr. Brown's but it's not a big deal.  I didn't pay for my born free's but I think they are the most expensive kind?  The ventaire's I don't like at all.  When you sit the bottle in a warmer, water collects in the crack between the bottom vent part and the bottle and then leaks out all ove rbaby or you when you tilt it later.  Also, I didn't like the angle of the bottle.  You'd think it would help, but it's like you have to hold it perfectly upside down to get out the last ounce or so of the bottle.  It was very awkward for the baby.
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    We love AVENT!
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    We use the playtex drop ins. I either wash the three pieces by hand or throw them in dishwasher in this little container we got. Very easy. And lots of different nipples to try (speed and material).  GL.
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    We use Playtex Drop Ins and I love them.  They are so easy and quick.  I buy the generic liners so it isn't expensive at all.
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