1st Trimester

Skin Care

I had been using a sal acid face wash & differin everyday to keep my face clear. Now that I can't use those I have just been using cetaphil face wash and moisturizer. I have had a few blemishes here and there but I am afraid it will get worse throughout pregnancy. Does anyone have any reccomendations of what to use that is safe for baby?

Re: Skin Care

  • I use Cetaphil and so far it's been working great.
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  • Ask your doctor, some don't care if you use sal acid...some say as long as it's OTC it's ok.  If your DR okays it but it still bothers you, wait until 2nd tri to use.
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  • My doc said since it's external, sal acid is fine.  She said anything is pretty much ok as long as it doesn't have Retin-A.  I've been using Avon skin clearing facewash, it's the only thing that helps my face and it's been going CRAZY for the past few weeks.  I look like a teenager again!  But definitely ask your doctor, they are all different in what they recommend.
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  • my doctor said benzol peroxide products were safe to use.
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  • Happy to know I can use little sac acid! My chin is rebelling against it's disappearance from my cleansing routine. 
  • I use cetaphil or ponds cream cleanser.  Hopefully you'll find something that works for you!
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  • I use Cetaphil and Kiehls moisturizer...
  • Do I ever have something great for you.  Arbonne has amazing skin care and is 100% vegan, pH correct and hypoallergenic.  The products contain no parabens or mineral oil. Totally safe for you and baby and you'll see AMAZING results with your skin.  Arbonne even has a baby line:-)  Mom's rave about the baby line as well.
  • jmaunez- Thanks, I'll check into that!
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