That they are going to pull a boy out of me in a few weeks!!
For those that have been around for a long time, you might remember back a few years ago when they told Virginia she was having a girl and then right before she was due an ultrasound revealed that it was actually a boy (who is now four-year-old Sebastian!!) I was so upset for her when that happened and guess I never really got over I attended her shower where everything was for a girl and much of it was personalized with the name she had hosen, Victoria. V, if you are reading this, I even remember the butterflies you stenciled on the nursery walls!!
When my Dr told me in her office at 18 weeks that she was very confident that I am having a girl, I didn't allow myself to get excited until my "big" u/s at 20 weeks where the tech confirmed that it was definitely a girl. After that I had one other u/s by another tech where she was able to say it was a girl.
Now in the later stages of pregnancy I have asked them to confirm again, but space has gotten tight in there and the baby's legs are smooshed closed.
As arrival gets closer and now that the room is done, the clothes are hung and and all of the pink blankets, burp clothes, and misc stuff has been washed, I am getting more and more anxious that they were all wrong and I am not really having a girl.
I don't quite know where I am going with this, but needed to tell someone about my fear because my DH thinks I am nuts and worrying about something so stupid.
Thanks for reading and any words of wisdom are welcome.
Re: Can't shake the fear....
Girlfriend, I still have that fear even though I saw it clear as day that is was a boy (for both Nate and this baby),- I would probably be thrilled this time if they werre wrong though-lol
Honestly though, at this point, there is nothing you can do... I knew in my heart they were wrong for Sebastian. I knew it, knew it, knew it yet I beleived the u/s technician. We are goign back in 3 weeks for another ultrasound of the heart and I want them to check the sex again because I think I would die of a heart attack if they were wrong again!
I also think you are normal. Honestly, V's story is one reason I actually refused to find out the sex. LOL
lol....I think that after V's story we are all a little apprehensive. I know I asked a few times at each ultrasound and I had a few...:)
You are so close, enjoy it and don't worry since soon you'll have your little girl in your arms.
Since you only have 5 weeks left, it's probably best to just wait it out, BUT...if you are really desperate and it will help you sleep better at night, would you consider a 3D ultrasound to confirm that she's a she?!
I had the "too good to be true" feeling that Mari described too...I slightly preferred a girl, but from the moment I got pregnant I was convinced I was having a boy. So when I was told "girl" at 18 weeks, I was skeptical but beyond excited. I went nuts buying girl things and things personalized with her name. Then the further along in the pregnancy I got, the more nervous I got. What if I had spent hundreds of dollars on girl things for "Emma" and she was really a boy?! Then at 30-something weeks, I went in for a growth ultrasound, and the tech decided to do a 3D shot where she was able to confirm for SURE that my baby was a girl. It definitely made me feel better those last few weeks
My very first "big ultrasound" with my first pregnancy had a very very clear "3 lines" , I am not kidding, I need to scan it! and let me tell you, Sebastian is definately ALL boy!
I think everyone has that fear. I remember avoiding all the personalized items until we had our 3D u/s and confirmed C was a she. You're in the homestretch now, so you won't have to wait much longer to find out for sure.
Good luck!!!