
Opps--How many time have you MoMs heard this??

ETA: Sorry... i apparently hit post on the last one before i was done.. here is the full post! Sorry!!! see too many things i gotta do at once hahaha 

"I wish i had twins it would be easy just get it over with at once"

Are these women NUTSSS!!! Let me start this post off with i LOVE my LOs and wouldnt trade them for the world buuuuut i would not say twins or multiples are easier!! Now i will also say that this is all i know having never had a singelton. 

I got attacked by a group of women in target at the service counter...the other day when DH and i went in to buy more formula.  I had to listen to stories about how thier great uncle twice removed was a twin and how they thought for sure they would have twins and how much easier that would have been,  WOW!!! DH and i just stood there in shock especially when one woman reached for the stroller where DD & DS were napping and pulled the recieving blanket off DS carseat to look at him.. i almost broke her arm!!!

Then last week i was in target again buying diapers and formula and some lady who looked half drunk (and had her 8 mo old w/ her!!) said "ohh i always wanted twins you are so lucky.. it would be so easy just get it over at one time"

Do these people not realize when you are pregnant w/ more than one baby your NOT the size of a singleton!! My guys were about 7 lbs each and i had them at 35 weeks!!!! i had 14lbs of baby in me and it felt like it.  Now i LOVED being pregnant and i was very lucky to have a super easy pregnancy... i think i would have carried longer if my dumb a@@ didnt sit on a balance ball for 2 hours the day my water broke. hahaha!

Forget the pregnancy lets talk about the after math.... do you know how many bottles i have and wash daily.... 2 bouncy seats.. 2 cribs.. 2 high chairs... 2 bumbos....twice the amount of cloths especially b/g twins... diapers ohh the diapers.. formula well lets just say if i could have BF longer i would have b/c these kids are about to eat me out of house and home. Heck look at me i am preaching to th choir!!!!

Did i mention having to grow extra hands and legs to rock with, hold bottles, cach spit up, and all the other daily things we do. 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little ons and i do feel very blessed and special to have them!!  But are these women SERIOUS... ??

Re: Opps--How many time have you MoMs heard this??

  • I hate when people say this. I walys want to say "If you are in such a rush to get it over quickly why are you having kids anyway?"
  • I alwyas just sort of laugh & say, yeah, you say that....the reality is a little different. 

    The other thing that I never know how to respond to is when they hear they're b/g and say "oh, instant family!". I just smile but UM, isn't the addition of 1 child or 2 same sex children also an instant family? Don't get me wrong, I love that my twins are b/g but it is sad that there is so much value placed on that.  

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    I alwyas just sort of laugh & say, yeah, you say that....the reality is a little different. 

    The other thing that I never know how to respond to is when they hear they're b/g and say "oh, instant family!". I just smile but UM, isn't the addition of 1 child or 2 same sex children also an instant family? Don't get me wrong, I love that my twins are b/g but it is sad that there is so much value placed on that.  

    OMG i get the instant family thing ALLL the time.  and i agree i hate it b/c DH and i arent done having kids and like you said b/g.. g/g or b/b shouldnt matter a family is a family?!?!

  • if I hear one more time how much easier it will be to have them both at once - I swear I'm going to slap the next person who says that to me. I don't know how much longer I can keep the comments just rolling off my back. and they're not even here yet!! my other favorite - you're going to get so big. I'm 25 weeks along on a 5'3" frame and have shown since week 12 - people are still walking up to me AT WORK whom I see everyday - are you pregnant? No Einstein, I'm hiding a pack of elephants in there. Have they been living under a rock? Someone may have to put a muzzle on me soon. 
  • and as far as someone reaching for my kids - they're still cookin' inside and i don't let anyone near ME! I'm scared I will rip someone's face off if they think they're coming within inches of my kids. Oh god, this is going to be fun. 
  • imageD31:
    and as far as someone reaching for my kids - they're still cookin' inside and i don't let anyone near ME! I'm scared I will rip someone's face off if they think they're coming within inches of my kids. Oh god, this is going to be fun. 

    i have to admit i have not had any strangers attempt to touch my kids (theyre 7 mos) so it doesnt always happen.  

  • HAHAHAHA hysterical!!! yeah well the comments only get better once you have them and people know you have two.  Wait until you are about 30 weeks and you go out to the store or to eat and people say "wow you are ready to pop any second should you be out?" at which point you will respond saying you still have another 2 months!!! they will give you a very strange look.. i loved it.. i wouldnt offer any more info.. let them figure it out!!!!!!
  • The b/g thing drives me crazy! "Oh you are having one of each, very smart you can be done all at once"  Who says the ideal family is one boy and one girl?  I want to scream I am not done.
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  • Why are you so angry? People consider twins a blessing and they are happy for you. Let it go.
  • comments like "better you than me", or "i don't know how you'll do it" or "good luck" (sarcastically) indicate to me that they don't see multiples as a blessing at first - but a burden. It's not the same as "congratulations" or "that's wonderful!" - those comments come at the end of the conversation, if at all. Sometimes people  just seem to feel bad for me and my DH. I wouldn't agree that all people consider twins a blessing at first- it's more a shock at first, and then they realize it's a blessing. Plus, I thought this board/post was a place to vent - don't need to feel reprimanded by a total stranger. Thanks anyway. 
  • As the mom of a singleton and a twin I actually like having twins better!  Granted the pregnancy was much worse but it is amazing to see how the twins interact.  They are more content together and less colicky.  Changing 2 diapers isn't that much harder than one... you already have the stuff out.  We feed them tandem at the same time.  It isn't a walk in the park but I love having twins!
    Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09 Photobucket 29o0v13.jpg
  • My favourite is "Oh, I always wanted twins. You're so lucky." I know they mean well but I am having the pregnancy from hell and I adore my twins already but I feel like they're just brushing everything I'm dealing with to the side. I just say, "Oh, the idea of twins is fun but the reality of the pregnancy isn't."
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  • Our twins in many ways have actually been a lot easier than our singleton (feeding, sleeping, diapers, etc), but I feel so bad for all of my babies that I don't have enough time to give to all of them.  Our twins always want to be held, I have to decide who I'm going to let down. 
  • You are looking at this all wrong..... it shouldn't get you upset, it should make you laugh because they don't know what they are wishing for. Sometimes people should watch out what they wish for... they just might get it! MWAHAHAHAAHAAAA!!!

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I LOVE when people say these things. Complete strangers always smile & compliment my twins, and tell me how lucky we are, and I absolutely agree. I realize that they have no idea how hard it can be, but don't take it upon myself to be an anti-twin spokesperson... what's that about??

    Yes, the pregnancy might have been harder, the daily life more expensive, time-consuming, whatever... but when they say "Oh I wish I could have two in one go, then I'm done", do you really care whether or not they know you plan on having more? When they say "Oooh, better you than me", my response always is "Yes, it is!"

    I don't get why so many MoMs get angry about comments like that. It's not like they're calling us "freaks"... I mean, seriously.

  • I agree with everyone else's frusteration.  I get even more frusterated because this is our 2nd pregnancy and we only wanted 2 kids...TOTAL :)   People say "oh, at least you got it over with"  Ummmm, we didn't want 4 kids! :)

    Love: 8/2000 | Marriage: 7/2005 | Baby makes three: 3/28/2007 | And one more makes...SIX?
    Steal my kids picture or pretend they are yours, I will find where you live and ship all of their dirty diapers to your doorstep. Promise. image
  • Sounds like I have a lot to look forward too! Since we have been telling people most people have been so excited for me, but a number of people have said to me, "wow I am so glad that didn't happen to us." I would never, never say something like that to anyone who was telling me news about their life. Even if I thought it. I just think people are not very aware of other peoples feelings sometimes.
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