With my 1st set of twins (also my first pregnancy) I started showing around 16 weeks. It took a while, even with 2 in there! I was also pretty slim at the time.
This time I'm 10 weeks (2nd set of twins) and already showing quite a bit!
Best of luck!
Mom to Boy/Girl twins born 8/2005 (IUI+inj.)
1st IVF= failed 11/2009
(IVF) Lost identical twins 3/10
(FET #1)Early m/c 6/2010
(FET #2) Twin Boys! Born 3/21/2011 @ 36w3d
I'm 5'9" and started out around a size 6 (closte to an 8, thank you fertility drug bloat). B/C of the bloat I noticed my stomach swelling early but I don't think I was really showing until in clothes until 16 - 18 weeks... Here are pics from 13 and 17 weeks so you get the idea.
I started noticing the bulge (bloat or baby....prob bloat) around 15 weeks, simply because my clothes were starting to get a bit snug. But it was at 20 weeks when others could see it. I was pretty thin starting out too.
I'm 5'9" and started out around a size 6 (closte to an 8, thank you fertility drug bloat). B/C of the bloat I noticed my stomach swelling early but I don't think I was really showing until in clothes until 16 - 18 weeks... Here are pics from 13 and 17 weeks so you get the idea.
I started getting those looks around 6 weeks. the look where someone stares, but doesn't ask you anything....Lol.
I need to start taking pics. I started out pretty petite, but i def. feel I have a little bump...a few days ago my dentist said, "oh, hello! " when he saw my tummy....and a grouchy waitress the other day said I didn't even look pregnant. People who know me well, they can really tell. I can't wait until my bump gets bigger than my boobs. My girls are getting too big...
TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009.
BFP on New Year's 2010.
I started getting comments from co-workers at about 13.5w. I'm really petite though (5' and maybe 105). I've had 4 previous pregnancies, but we never got this far with them so I think my rapid growth is more due to my small size.
I was curious about this too! Thanks for asking - and for all the responses! Still no noticable bump on me - but I am 6'0" so maybe there is a little more room for them to grow before a bump pops!
BFP July 09 - m/c Aug 09
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d
I was also pretty thin when we conceived. When I was wearing tight shirts, it was somewhat noticeable to people who knew me. My mom kept saying, you look so big for 3 months! I swear you are having twins! Congrats on your little miracles!
People that know me well could tell around 11 weeks... Around 13 weeks when I announced at work (and stopped wearing loose clothes), people could tell. To complete strangers, I think it was pretty obvious around 14/15 weeks.
Re: Twin moms to be
Congrats on your twin pregnancy!
With my 1st set of twins (also my first pregnancy) I started showing around 16 weeks. It took a while, even with 2 in there! I was also pretty slim at the time.
This time I'm 10 weeks (2nd set of twins) and already showing quite a bit!
Best of luck!
I'm 5'9" and started out around a size 6 (closte to an 8, thank you fertility drug bloat). B/C of the bloat I noticed my stomach swelling early but I don't think I was really showing until in clothes until 16 - 18 weeks... Here are pics from 13 and 17 weeks so you get the idea.
I started getting those looks around 6 weeks.
the look where someone stares, but doesn't ask you anything....Lol.
I need to start taking pics. I started out pretty petite, but i def. feel I have a little bump...a few days ago my dentist said, "oh, hello! " when he saw my tummy....and a grouchy waitress the other day said I didn't even look pregnant. People who know me well, they can really tell. I can't wait until my bump gets bigger than my boobs. My girls are getting too big...
BFP Nov 09 - c/p Dec 09
BFP Dec 09 - A&J born in August 2010 at 37w, 6d
BFP Sept 11 - ectopic pregnancy/left tube removed
BFP April 12 - E born December 2012 at 39w, 1d