
middle of the night bottle for 3 mo olds

Do you give your LO's a full bottle overnight or just half? I have heard this before?? And when did you start to space out feedings to maybe every 4 hours instead of every 3.

Re: middle of the night bottle for 3 mo olds

  • Hi - I would only give as much as they will take and not try to force anything that they are not starving for at night. In my opinion get them off that nighttime feeding asap!

     My kids always ate every 3 hours until we started solids. Even then it wasn't until they started eating 3 meals a day did the bottles really start to space out and then ounces started dropping.

  • At 3 months I would personally still give the full amount if they are drinking the whole thing.

    My LOs are almost 7 months & still take a full bottle  in the middle of the night...not saying that is good or right cuz I wish they wouldn't but it is hard to cut back or elminate the bottle when it appears that htey're hungry enough in the middle of the night to suck down a full bottle.  

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  • We offered them the same amount with each bottle and just let them drink however much they wanted. They usually drank similar amounts at night as during the day. By 3m they were usually just drinking one bottle during the night, with very occasionally a second one in the early morning around 5. Then just after they turned 4m they started sleeping through that feeding! :) They slept from 8:30 or 9 till about 7 a.m. at that point. Hopefully the end is in sight for you, too.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • During the day mine eat like 6 oz per bottle (every 3 hours) and at night usually just one 4 oz bottle.  I don't make them more because they go back down happy after that.  I think if I gave them more they would eat it, not because they are starving but because it's soothing (because I think if they were still hngry after the 4oz, they wouldn't go back to sleep...and they're out within seconds of me burping them).

     I figure I want them to eat more during the day, not at that's why I don't really make them more.   

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We always did full feeds at night.  Mine just gradually weaned themselves off by the time they were 4 months they were sleeping 10 hours between bottles.
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