I love looking at bfp charts.....so i saw alot yesterday and noticed for the majority of them there wasnt alot of bding going on.....a good few bds 3-5 days before o.....we have tried all, every 2nd night, every freaking night.......this time not alot of bding went on....just to see! Anyway thats all thats on my mind...for now
have a great weekend ladies!!
Re: Did u notice?
Have a great weekend too hun! I can't speak for anyone but myself, but suffice to say.......we had a bd-a-palooza this month and NOTHING! Well I guess there are many more months ahead I guess! Take care!
go to the fertility friend site and join. You can view people's charts on there.
This was my BFF too with her second, except they weren't trying. This was after TTC for almost 3 years before getting pregnant with her first. Go figure.