you would have to have an internal exam done. some docs (like mine) don't do them unless there are signs of PTL. There is really no need to do them b/c you can walk around effaced and dilated for weeks. I was 80% effaced and a fingertip dilated with my singleton from 32w on... never went into labor on my own (was induced at 36w for other health issues).
i never had an internal done with my twin pg - b/c i never had contrax or any other PTL signs.
Your dr. will tell you when you have an internal exam. You need to be 10cm and 100% effaced when you are in labor to be ready to push (essentially it's the "thickness" of the cervix, it thins as you get closer to delivery).
You wouldn't know this unless you've had an internal and at your stage of pregnancy, I would expect they haven't given you one, unless there's been reason too. I didn't have an internal until 35w (but I had no complications either).
Re: How do you know if you are...?
you would have to have an internal exam done. some docs (like mine) don't do them unless there are signs of PTL. There is really no need to do them b/c you can walk around effaced and dilated for weeks. I was 80% effaced and a fingertip dilated with my singleton from 32w on... never went into labor on my own (was induced at 36w for other health issues).
i never had an internal done with my twin pg - b/c i never had contrax or any other PTL signs.
I had internal checks the last few weeks of my pg. As I got further along, he'd check to see if I was dilated any and/or if I was effaced.
Your dr. would tell you if you were.
Your dr. will tell you when you have an internal exam. You need to be 10cm and 100% effaced when you are in labor to be ready to push (essentially it's the "thickness" of the cervix, it thins as you get closer to delivery).
You wouldn't know this unless you've had an internal and at your stage of pregnancy, I would expect they haven't given you one, unless there's been reason too. I didn't have an internal until 35w (but I had no complications either).