
Does ds need a 5-point or booster with seat belt?

I am so unsure about when ds is ready for a booster with seat belt or if he still needs a 5-point.  So those who know a lot about requirements for car seats can you help me?

 Ds is 5 years old.  41 inches and 37 pounds.  Is he ready for a booster with seat belt?  If not when will he be? 

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Re: Does ds need a 5-point or booster with seat belt?

  • Most likely not. Techs generally don't like to see an under-40 lb child in a booster with seat belt until age 6 or 7 at the earliest. Maturity is huge--most 4 or 5 year olds can't sit in a booster properly 100% of the time. Also, their hips aren't fully developed, which can lead to submarining. If you choose to go with a booster, the only one I'd consider is the britax parkway with slideguard, which has a strap to prevent the submarining (sliding down under or out of the belt in a crash).
  • Legally he is and in most of my friends, that is what you will find, but in nest land, and in my world, I keep my kids car seated longer than most.   I ended up buying DD a sunshine kids radian 80.  She will be able to be 5 pointed until probably about 8, then go into a booster.  The law in my state is not really the same as the recommendations, which I am ok with, since I think it should be my right to decide that DD can be buckled in if I want to drive 2 miles round trip to go out to dinner with friends, and I can't fit them in the car otherwise.
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  • If price of a nautilus is a concern, the evenflo maestro has the same height top slot--though it doesn't make a good booster, so you'll be stuck paying for a booster down the road. It is about $80.
  • My mom has coupons for this weekend.  So, she wants to use them to buy Jack his booster.  He is in a Britax Boulevard now which goes to 60 lbs.  So, shoudl I just have her buy a regular booster and just keep it until he si ready to be out of the 5-point?  It seems to not make sense to buy another 5-point, even if it changes into a booster when he aleady has one.

    She needs an answer tomorrow of what I want her to buy and I don;t know what is the best booster.

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  • I would have her get a high back booster & then wait until he outgrows the height on the Blvd.  Thats what I'm gonna do with Michelle & we have the Blvd.

    I thought she was outgrowing it already but apparently I didnt turn the knob all the way to adjust the straps to its highest setting.  Now she's got more room to grow.

    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • imageJOEBunny:
    Legally he is and in most of my friends, that is what you will find, but in nest land, and in my world, I keep my kids car seated longer than most.   I ended up buying DD a sunshine kids radian 80.  She will be able to be 5 pointed until probably about 8, then go into a booster.  The law in my state is not really the same as the recommendations, which I am ok with, since I think it should be my right to decide that DD can be buckled in if I want to drive 2 miles round trip to go out to dinner with friends, and I can't fit them in the car otherwise.

    ditto the bold. I just saw pics of a friends dd, who turns 4 in the spring and the kid was moved to a seat belt booster over the winter.  I think her dd outgrew the ht limit of her convertable.

    dd will be in her britax decathelon for while yet. we still have a shoulder slot to go on it. she's 4. 39" and 32lb.  I'm guessing by the time she outgrows the decathelon, she'll be good with a highback shoulder strap booster.... but IDK. I'd like to keep her in 5 pt as long as I can. but I'm also banking on getting closer to 2 more years out of her decathelon.  but I really do not know.

  • It is rated to 65 lbs, but to be honest, weight has nothing to do with a child fitting in a seat--generally kids don't fit by height at the upper end of the weight range for a seat. It's outgrown by height when his shoulders are above the harness, or the top of his ears are above the shell of the seat (not the headwings, the hard plastic shell). At 41 inches, this will be happening sometime soon, depending on torso length. You've got about 2 inches more torso growth in a seat like the nautilus, which is a lot of overall growth. IDK--I feel like it's worth $150 to know my child is in an appropriate seat, even if it's inconvenient.
  • i bought a booster seat for my son for when he out grows his seat he has now. but i don't forsee using it anytime soon but it was on sale so i bought it for the future..
  • Also, if he's not ready for something now, or in the next few months, I wouldn't have her buy something just because she has the coupon.  If he's got another year or more in that seat, I'd wait.  A lot can change in technology/safety in just a year or two. 
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