I am so unsure about when ds is ready for a booster with seat belt or if he still needs a 5-point. So those who know a lot about requirements for car seats can you help me?
Ds is 5 years old. 41 inches and 37 pounds. Is he ready for a booster with seat belt? If not when will he be?
Re: Does ds need a 5-point or booster with seat belt?
My mom has coupons for this weekend. So, she wants to use them to buy Jack his booster. He is in a Britax Boulevard now which goes to 60 lbs. So, shoudl I just have her buy a regular booster and just keep it until he si ready to be out of the 5-point? It seems to not make sense to buy another 5-point, even if it changes into a booster when he aleady has one.
She needs an answer tomorrow of what I want her to buy and I don;t know what is the best booster.
I would have her get a high back booster & then wait until he outgrows the height on the Blvd. Thats what I'm gonna do with Michelle & we have the Blvd.
I thought she was outgrowing it already but apparently I didnt turn the knob all the way to adjust the straps to its highest setting. Now she's got more room to grow.
ditto the bold. I just saw pics of a friends dd, who turns 4 in the spring and the kid was moved to a seat belt booster over the winter. I think her dd outgrew the ht limit of her convertable.
dd will be in her britax decathelon for while yet. we still have a shoulder slot to go on it. she's 4. 39" and 32lb. I'm guessing by the time she outgrows the decathelon, she'll be good with a highback shoulder strap booster.... but IDK. I'd like to keep her in 5 pt as long as I can. but I'm also banking on getting closer to 2 more years out of her decathelon. but I really do not know.