High-Risk Pregnancy

Bedrest Happiness and a ?

I slept last night...not perfectly- but I slept.

DH brought home Ben and Jerry's

I slathered myself in body cream today...and it felt good.

Onto the ?- how freaking worried are you ladies about the condition of your bodies after bedrest?  I mean I can't imagine having a vaginal birth and I can't imagine recovering from a c-section....

I went to pick something up off the floor yesterday, so I squatted and I COULD NOT get back up! I needed to go onto my knees and pull myself up- and I'm supposed to birth and care for 2 children in a couple of months?!?!?  I will most likely (god willing) have been on bed rest for 3 months when these boys come!


Re: Bedrest Happiness and a ?

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    I'm worried about my muscles atrophying and how weak I will be.  My dad is a physical therapist so if I get the MD's ok, he will work out an exercise plan that I can do in bed.  He says that it will be a slow recovery but it will be so worth it.

    BFP #1 9/6/2009 EDD 5/29/10. Missy Moo born 5/12/10 after 3 months of bedrest due to PTL, IC and a bicornuate ute causing IUGR
    BFP # 2 1/28/12 EDD 10/6/12 No heartbeat seen @ 10 weeks, Autumn
    BFP #3 8/18/12 EDD 5/2/13 No heartbeat seen at 7w3d, Mae
    BFP #4 01/31/2013 EDD 10/15/2013 No HB seen in our little girl at 10w2d due to trisomy 12, Abigail
    BFP #5 6/27/2013 EDD 3/10/2014 diagnosed with protein S deficiency heparin twice a day. Luke's HB stopped at 8wks
    BFP#6 12/22/2013 EDD 9/4/2014 No HB seen at 7w2d, Leia

    BFP #7- 5/12/14 EDD 01/2015, ruptured ectopic 5/31/14

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    My body aches from sitting on it so long. I cant imagine how bad shape my body will be in since I am on bedrest for (hopefully) the next 5 weeks, if not more. I am going to stand and my muscles are going to just give out. I do intend to start yoga, pilates, and zumba after the babies are born though so hopefully that will help a lot.

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    I've been on BR so long that when I do something small like go to a doc visit and have to walk, my legs cramp all night long and ache the next day.  My doc is concerned about me having the strenght to deliver and wants me to try 15min swim sessions 1-2 times a wk as long as my contractions don't get worse.  It feels good when I'm swimming, but I hurt badly afterwards.

    I'm not sure how I'll be able to take care of Livy, but DH is already on board that he's gonna need to be super Dad!

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    My boyfriend brought me home B&J's last night, too! Peanut Butter Cup - heaven.

    I get so out of breath just walking from the bedroom to the kitchen or taking a shower and getting ready. I absolutely 100% hate this. I have to have little countdowns on everything (my phone, ipod, facebook, etc) to remind myself "OK, you've made it to 33w5d...only a couple more days until you're 34 weeks along"

    I try to do in-bed exercises and lift some light weights and do leg raises, but movement lately has been stimulating contractions. So I'm worried that with too much movement will send me into full blown labor or something.

    My boyfriend has started working out again (after taking his 8 month maternity leave from physical activity with me <3) so I feel like at least he will be in shape.

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    First off--YAY FOR SLEEP!! I'm excited for you--nothing like getting a good nights rest!

    As for the post-partum stuff--this is a HUGE concern for me, as my induction gets closer the thought of 1. having to go back to normal activity and life is stressful and 2. the thought of having that adjust with a newborn in tow is terrifying! I just told DH, "If I can barely shower w/o getting to tired, or walk down the hall w/o having to stop for a break how the heck am I going to care for a newborn all by myself during the day?!" I have been working with the PT people here at the hospital and have been doing strength exercises in bed (there are some you can do! If I remember I will try and post the list later that my dr's okay'd to give you guys some ideas) but even still the physical therapist said that she thinks I will most likely have to do some outpatient PT or rehab after I get out--I'm the same way as you Michelle--the farthest I've walked in 8 weeks is literally maybe 15 ft at the most--my calves are so tight that I basically feel like I have to walk on my tippy toes and Im almost at the point where I dont have the leg strength to go up or down stairs (thankfully the only stairs in our house go to the basement laundry room--guess I wont be able to do the laundry Stick out tongue )

    Like I said I will take some pics later of the exercise sheet w/ different stretches--these were all okayed by my HR dr and the physical therapist (granted I know everyone is different w/ bed restrictions and what positions you can go into but most are pretty basic things)

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    I'm so glad you got some sleep, and ice cream! lol

    I am concerned about how much energy I will have to deliver this baby. I just know I'm going to be so exhausted...  It takes everything I have to go to the dr once a week. My muscles hurt after. 

    I'm also worried about how chubby I'm going to be. I'm already chubby! All I do now is eat and lay around... 

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    I hear you ladies! Lately showers have become such hard work because I get so tired I don't look forward to them like I use to. I also worry when it comes to delivery time that I'll be so tired and weak to get through it. And I refuse to have a c-section unless its necessary and don't want an epidural either. But by the way my body is feeling and just to think I still have 9 wks of bed rest to go I am scared that when the time comes my body will be one like a rag doll. Just going from my bedroom to lay on the living room couch I feel out of breath. Its unbelievable how out of shape I feel, and prior to being put on bed rest I was going yoga and pilates and feeling really good. It stinks!
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    You're soo not alone girl!  I'm also pregnant with twins (boy and girl).  I used to be so active.  Now, I feel like I slug around. LOL!  Just think positively, we both have some beautiful gifts coming out of all this.  Hang in there.  You're in my prayers.  :0)
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    Yay for sleep! I am still waiting for a night where I sleep all through the night without waking up from my hip hurting or having to pee etc...

    My body is so achy all the time it feels like I've been working out but haven't been doing anything but laying around and it sucks! Last week when I went to the dr I got so exhausted from getting ready I was actually light headed and so weak I could barely walk to the car. And I feel like I can not catch my breath ever! Labor is going to be a massive feat for all us BR girls! But luckily my DH is taking off the first week after our LO is born too so he can help me with her.

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    I was always really active, up until the day I was put on bedrest (had been walking 2 miles a few times a week in addition to doing all the cooking, errands, etc. at our house).  I have felt (and seen) my muscles atrophy while on bedrest.

    I am lucky, because my OB has now said I can resume some activities.  My back hurts, and I move at a snail's pace, but I have already felt myself getting stronger.  Stairs are easy for me now, I can lift slightly heavier things, and I am able to be up on my feet for 30+ minutes at a time.  I hope that this means that for all of us, the recovery won't be too bad.

    That said, my aunt is a nurse and told me to expect it to take about 6 months for me to get back to where I was... this has been tough because even with pregnancy I had already stopped a lot of my exercise since I was high-risk from the start.

    Good luck to all of us!  It will be tough but we can do it.

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    well, I've heard that a lot of the pregnancy discomforts go away immediately after delivering, so I'm trying to stay hopeful. If I'm able to breathe and eat at the same time, walk through my house without getting oou of breath, and pick things up off the floor without major help, I will consider it a victory!

    I will also have lots of help the first few months so I won't have to feel like I'm doing it all.

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    The strength you lost through BR is definitely hard. I had a PT work with me in the hospital to do some arm and leg stretches (my BR was pretty strict and I was only allowed to walk the 8' to the bathroom on a good day). I definitely felt like I had been hit my a very large truck after I delivered and it took a long time to get my strength back. I did have a preemie though so my first 7 weeks of recovery were spent sitting in the NICU. Just take it slowly when you get home and you'll be okay :) 
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
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