High-Risk Pregnancy

I guess I need to come over here now *edit BP #

Hi. I'm Kerrie. This is my first pregnancy and I just got told that my blood pressure is high 145/85 and that now I have to go to an OB insted of my midwifes because now I am high-risk. I hoestly don't know much about high blood pressure and am a little nervous that the baby is going to be hurt and I don't want to go on bed rest, *sigh*. I'm just worried. Anyothers have this?

Oh and I did the 24 hour pee in a jug thing last night so they are already testing me for pre-e.

*edit*  I called them and asked them again what it was because what I remember them telling me didn't sound right.

Re: I guess I need to come over here now *edit BP #

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    I had high BP from 14 weeks until I delivered DS at 40 weeks 5 days.  Mine was around 140/90 to 145/105 at 14 weeks and I was put on BP meds at that time (Labetalol, 100 mg 2x a day).  That kept everything under control until I hit 34 weeks and it went back up to the 140s/90s.  My OB upped my meds to 100 mg 3x a day and sent me for pre-e/PIH labs.  That all came back negative.  I went past full term and had a happy and healthy baby boy who weighed 7lbs 4oz.  I was never put on bedrest or a restricted diet.  I was just told no exercised and begged my OB to be able to still walk.  He was okay with it as long as it wasn't brisk walks.  Towards the end of my pregnancy when I was making no progress at all he encouraged me to get out and walk more even though my BP was high.

    Since delivering, my BP has gone back to more normal levels and I was taken off the meds.  I hope you have the same luck!

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    I hope so. All the what if's right now are bugging me. I wish I were going to see the new doc soon insted of a month from now.
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