The name has grown on me and it's #1 on our list. But I'm wondering if he'll be relentlessly teased and called pooper all the time. WDYT? Is he destined to a life of verbal abuse?
(Note our other son's name is Jack, so you can imagine what kind of teasing might ensue with that one...)
Re: Is it cruel to name him Cooper?
Make a pregnancy ticker
Apparently, all of my faves or "dog names." Jack, Sam, Max, Cooper... Sadie for a girl. What can I say... I grew up with cats.
I wasn't going to say it but my dog's name is Cooper and now years later I wish I didn't name him that b/c I would love it for a son! Go for it; do what I can't !
Make a pregnancy ticker
I'd be more worried about the Anderson Cooper connection! Lol
(Kidding! It's a fine name. As long as your last name doesn't end in -er.)