
Mom's of 2 or more

When dc#2 was born what did you do with dc#1? My parents live a little less than an hour away so they could take her so DH could stay with me in the hospital-which I might need if I end up with another c/s. Did DH stay with you the 2nd time around or stay home with dc#2? After you went home did dc#1 go somewhere or did someone come to help? My mom could stay with us just to help out with dd#1 for the first few days, which I think might be helpful or we could send dd#1 to go and stay with them for a few days. What did you do and what worked well for you? Thanks!
Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD

Re: Mom's of 2 or more

  • We had my MIL come into town (live about 3 hours away). I ended up being induced so we were able to plan ahead by a couple of days. DH stayed with me at the hospital, while MIL stayed home with DS1. We had her take him to daycare every day, just like normal. It was important for us for him to stay in his familiar routine. We hoped it would help him still feel comfortable with all the changes. For that same reason, I personally think it's better to not send the older child away, and have someone instead come stay at the house and keep them in a familiar routine/envirnoment.
  • Our plan is for my mother to come before the birth (she lives 500+ miles away).  She'll stay at the hosue with DD.  If for some reason we don't get her here in time, my DD will go to the neighbor's house (her best buddies live there) and they'll keep her and take care of our dogs until the baby's born.  Then DH will come back home.  He didn't even stay in the hospital with me after DD was born except the first night (I had a c-section).

    My Mom will stay for a few weeks.  DH will only take a little time off work initially and then take more significant time off after my Mom leaves.

    So that's the general plan.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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  • Not sure what we're going to do.  We have a wonderful neighbor that helps, and my mom is close by.  DH probably won't stay in the hospital with me - he didn't with DS - we had two dogs at home and it was a traumatic situation for all of us and he needed a break.  I had a section, but DS was in the NICU so I didn't have to worry about lifting him, etc.  This time around will hopefully be different!!
    Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
    StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
    SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
  • We are renting a house with my mom and my ILs live 4 blocks over so we put DD to bed before I went to the hospital at our house.  After DS was born my DH went home to sleep, he took DD to school in the morning and my mom picked her up.  The next day she stayed with my ILs as she usually does on Fridays while MH came to pick us up at the hospital.  After we came home we just kept her with us to keep the routine normal as possible.  My mom was there to help as well as my DH.
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  • My IL's live nearby and were able to come over - MIL spent the night here with DS and DH spent the first night with me (DD was born at 10PM).  After that, DH was with DS - I did not have a c/s so my hospital stay wasn't that long.  No one came to help (I didn't want anyone to) but DH was home for a few days with us.  For me, leaving DS when I went into labor was the hardest part, I agonized over it for months prior...everything went fine.  GL

  • My parents live close.  I had my 18 year old sister and dad take my 2 year old for the day.  My mom, 17 year old sister, and DH were with me during the birth.  That night, DD1 stayed in her bed.  I made DH leave.  I had my sister stay overnight with me in the hospital.
  • I was induced, so the night before my mom and 22 y/o brother came.  My mom came to the hospital and my brother stayed with DD1.  The hospital I delivered in only had double rooms (which sucked and was an extra incentive for my VBAC) so DH couldn't stay with us.  He was with us until 12-12:30 the night she was born, but had to leave at like 10 the next night.  My mom stayed the whole time so there as always someone with DD1 anyway.
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I know I'm in the minority, but we had DD #1 stay with my IL's and DH stayed with me the entire time I was in the hospital.  She loves staying at grandmas house so we just treated it like any other trip she would make over there.  We didn't make a big deal about the idea of a baby coming home the next time she came home.  After DD #2 was born my IL's came to pick up DD #1 once or twice a week and kept her for the day.  She got undivided attention and fun things to do while I got to relax and spend time with the baby.  It worked for us.
  • When I went into labor, I called my parents, and they came over so we could go to the hospital. DS was asleep anyway. DH stayed with me the night (okay, morning) of delivery, and the next night, but didn't the last night. He went home and stayed with DS. DH dropped DS at my parents house the day I was discharged, and then picked me up. Then we picked up DS with his new baby and went home.
  • My parents live an hour away, and I was induced, so we had plenty of time to plan for my mom to come over and stay with DS #1 the night before we left for the hospital.  DH stayed with me the whole time, and my mom stayed at home with DS #1 - she brought him to visit twice.  It worked out well!
    Jack 3.5.07 / Ethan 9.17.08 / Lauren 4.3.11 image
  • My parents live 2 hours away.  We had a neighbor on call to "cover" watching Kate until they could get here.  I went into labor around 3 am, we called my parents and the neighbor at the same time, and then went to the hospital.  He was born by noon and my parents stayed at our house with Kate.  DH stayed in the hospital with Ben and me the first night and went home for the rest of our stay.  I really liked that one night alone in the hospital with just Ben.  It felt like vacation!
  • We had my MIL stay at our house with DS during the day of the delivery.  DH went home each of the 2 nights I was in the hospital.  It worked out just fine for us.

  • I went into labor on Sunday morning.  We went to the hospital Sunday at noon and my mom and dad took care of dc #1.  DC #2 was born at 5 pm so everyone came to see us around 7 and my mom took DC #1 home for the night.  The next morning my DH went to get DC #1 and brought her to the hospital to visit and my MIL took her back to her house from the hospital.  DH went home the second night to take care of DC #1.  We left the hospital the next morning.  I stressed about it before hand too.  DC #1 had never spent the night away from home/me before, but she did fine.  
    Lucy 12.18.06, Will 6.21.09 & Adeline 11.2.11
  • While I was in the hospital having DD#1, DS stayed with my parents until the day I came home.  When I was having DD#2, DD#1 & DS stayed with my parents until the day I came home.  When I was having DS#2, my mom came to our house to stay with the 3 kids until I got home.  Once home from having each child, it was pretty much DH & me.  My mom would take one or two of the older kids here & there for a couple of hours.  DH was off for about 4-5 days after the birth of each child.
  • I was on bedrest the last few weeks and my mom who lives out of state, came to stay with us since it was strict bedrest and DH still had to work and she did a ton as far as cooking and getting DD to school and back.  My parents took DD to school the day of my c-section and my DH picked her up that afternoon and took her home while my parents stayed with me and new DD for a while.  I stayed myself at the hospital for bonding time with the baby and also so my older DD had one of us there with her to keep her life as normal as possible.  The next day, DH took her to school and than came to the hospital and picked odler DD up early from school and came to the hospital.  Day 3 was a Sat and DH brought her to the hospital in the morning and my parents took her home for nap so DH could stay longer.  If I am remembering correctly, DH went home before she was up from nap and along with his parents, took her out to dinner and to do some other fun stuff while my parents or sister or whoever was with me.  I came home on SUnday and DH brought older DD with him to help bring us home.  It really worked out great for us and I actually enjoyed having time to myself to my new DD and DH loved all the extra one on one time with the our older DD.  My mom stayed until 1 1/2 weeks PP when I was able to drive and get around myself.  DH only took 2 days off of work.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Forgot to add that we kept DD as much as possible on her normal routine once I was home - she went to daycare everyday and same nightime routine (as much as possible).  We felt that sending her away when we came home would send the wrong message and we wanted all of us to bond as a family.  My MIL wanted her to go sleep at her house for a few days and we strongly disagreed.  I felt like that would make DD feel like she was being replaced or something like that.  It all worked out perfect!
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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