High-Risk Pregnancy

bored already!!

and its only 11am. bedrest is killing me!!

Re: bored already!!

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    I hear ya!

    Boredom usually sets in for me right around 11.  There's nothing good on TV!

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    I've been watching Say Yes To The Dress...I've seen all the episodes already.

    It sucks that now that I'm at home all day every day watching tv in bed, I realize how many reruns there really are. I swear I've seen everything twice but the daily news.

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    I'm usually bored by this time too.  Today was my morning out.:)  I got to go to the hospital, which is like 3 minutes from my house, for my bi-weekly NST.  Isn't it sad when you get excited to go to these appointments just to get out of the house.

    The NST went ok, but LO was not behaving for it the nurse told me.  They had me hooked up for over an hour because she just kept on going to sleep.  In the end though everything was good with her and my BP was good too.  

    After the appointment I was hungry and asked DH to stop at Wendy's for me and I got to have a few minutes extra time out of the house driving there and then home. Woohoo!

    Next week I get to get out of the house 3 times.  YIKES!  The excitement.  I have my Tuesday and Friday NST appointments.  I also have my 36 week OB appointment on Wednesday.  On Tuesday I also have a growth u/s.  I'm so excited talking about 3 days out that I almost fell off the bed typing this. j/k.

    Back to laying down now. 

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    I feel you!! morning tv takes me through 11am then nada until 3ish! 
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    I'm usually good until about 2pm. I spend the morning showering, eating breakfast, and catching up on e-mails/message boards. At noon I watch A Baby Story on TLC. Once those are over, the boredom sets in . . .

    Luckily DH gets off at 1pm today. I'm going to make him pick me up some ice cream on his way home, and then we're going to have a "date" weekend.

    Ashley & Jeff Married since August 2007 BFP Cycle #16, Clomid 100mg DD #1 born on March 25, 2010 TTC #2 as of May 31, 2011 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I can only imagine if I didnt have work and school to keep me busy what would happen.

    Want to trade? I am attempting to write a 25 page paper.

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    I can only imagine if I didnt have work and school to keep me busy what would happen.

    Want to trade? I am attempting to write a 25 page paper.

    if it deals with speech language pathology or audiology i'll take you up on it...i miss the professional world, this laziness is not my style!!  haha, it's alll about my little man though!! Big Smile

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