High-Risk Pregnancy

I had to do it.. GD related

ok. i admit. i cheated a little last night.i was stuck at home all day yesterday due to the snowstorm. i popped a few herseys kisses throughout the day and at night i had some edys no sugar added mint chocolate chip ice cream with a small dollop of low fat whipped cream on it. amazingly enough, my numbers were awesome all day long. (my fasting number this am was the lowest its ever been 78!).

im thinking that since my numbers were good i shouldnt stress about cheating. WDYT?

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Re: I had to do it.. GD related

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    Definitely don't stress.  It sounds like what you had was in your allowance and if so, I wouldn't even consider it cheating. :)
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    I actually asked my nutritionist about this...she said that, as long as my numbers turn out ok, don't feel guilty about slipping a few things here and there.  I think I love her for that. Smile
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