I decided to tell my principal today that we are expecting twins. I wanted to talk with her about the appointments that I have coming up and why I'd be leaving work as often as I would coming up. So, I told her and even said that we haven't told anyone in the building yet and we were going to just let the info trickle out on its own (since there is one teacher who has been TTC and just got AF after her artificial insemenation..I felt terrible and that's why I kept it quite and no big announcement). She knew this. I was scared about telling about twins right away (we found out yesterday) but I knew I had to tell her. Well, by the end of the day, most everyone knew. She was so excited for me that I guess she couldn't hold it in! Yes, I am excited, but I'm also a little annoyed/upset that she spilled the beans knowing that I purposely was not making a big deal of it and not to mention the fact that I'm scared to death about losing a twin, believing I have twins, being early on, etc. *Sigh* Sorry to vent, just a little annoyed and upset about how she spilled so early (she even knew that I wanted to keep it on the downlow because of the other teacher's situation).....*sigh*
Re: Not the announcement I was hoping for..
That was sweet of you to be considerate of the other teacher who is dealing with IF....sorry your principal is being a big mouth....(I was a teacher before our girls arrive and although I miss my job, I do NOT miss the quick-fire teacher gossip).
Sending positive thoughts...hang in there.
That was really nice of you to be so sensitive towards the other teacher who is having TTTC.
That said, you see this happen on the boards all the time - you can't tell anyone about the pregnancy and especially twins without expecting the news to spread quickly. No matter how much you explain your reasons for keeping quiet, people cannot keep their mouths shut! Sorry you had to experience this first-hand. But congratulations on your pregnancy!