High-Risk Pregnancy

Can't get fasting # down even with meds...snack ideas?

I'm thinking maybe its my choice of snack? I was told by my dr if i dont have all 3 carb choices for dinner, add one to my snack. Sometimes I can't eat 3 carbs for dinner, just too much. So I'll add a 6oz glass of milk plus some graham crackers for a snack. However, I'm noticing anything with milk is not helping my morning#.

I noticed the only time it was good, was when I had apples and PB but I can't have that again, that is usually my afternoon snack. What else can I have that is mostly protein?

I've even tried wheat crackers and cheese and that doesn't even keep it down. My OB mentioned maybe a spoonful of PB and milk but I think the milk isn't helping (even though I love my milk before bed!)

Please help. I'm already on 7.5mg of Gly. daily, I'm worried I'll be bumped up to 10mg. :(

Re: Can't get fasting # down even with meds...snack ideas?

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    I actually stopped eating carbs before bed altogether. I'd have nuts or cheese. That really helped.

    I could not go near milk, ever. And I love milk!

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    milk brings your numbers up .. i was told to take a glas of milk when my numbers were too low

    also my fasting numbers were still higher than most of my day numbers with meds so they switched me from taking the meds in the am to taking the meds at night so now my fasting and day numbers are within an acceptable range  even when i have carbs and sugar

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    I have SF jello and cool whip before bed.
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    I tried carbs & protein before bed as well as just having some nuts and neither one helped my fasting numbers so they put me on meds.  Sometimes, your fasting number has nothing to do with what you eat before bed.
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    my fasting number is completely unrelated to what I eat before bed.  It stayed the same whether I was eating 70 g of carbs or 5 g or carbs.  I'm on a crapload of insulin but what really brought it down the last little bit was keeping almonds in the bathroom and grabbing a handful when I go for my 1 am pee.  Weirdly enough though they can't be salted or it doesn't work.
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