High-Risk Pregnancy

super high fasting numbers - ???

I was just diagnosed with GD on Tuesday and started testing Wednesday. I have been following the diet and the worst numbers for me have been my fasting numbers - 140 on Wednesday morning and 139 this morning. I had a sugar free jello for my evening snack on Tuesday and a piece of cheese last night. I don't understand what is going on. Do you think its just my body and that I'll just need meds? Its very frustrating and scary!

Re: super high fasting numbers - ???

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    I am not sure b/c I'm having this problem myself! Some days its great at 88, and then recently its up to 117, 134, and I'm ON meds!

    I think tonight I'm going to have to stick with pure protein and se what happens. So frustrating! GL :)

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    If it's still high tomorow morning I'd call your OB.  Those are really high fasting numbers.  Are your post meal numbers ok? 

    Fasting numbers are the hardest to control and if you can't get yours down then it's just the way your body is handling things.  It's not something you did wrong, but yes they will put you on meds if they are that high and don't go down. 

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    those are high for fasting

    the ob started me on 10mg of glyburide in the morning and my fasting number was still higher than most of my day numbers 

    they switched me to taking the glyburide at night and numbers have been great

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    Thank you so much, it just makes me feel better to be able to ask people that are going through this! I think I might call my doctor tomorrow to make sure they are aware. Thanks ladies :)
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