Did anyone get anything for their doctor and/or nurse after having your babies? We want to do something nice for our doctor and nurse for everything they have done the last 9 months but don't know what. Any thoughts?
i just send a heart felt note with a birth announcement. I'm a drug rep and deal with docs all day long - I don't think they really appreciate "things" like they do notes and letters... they get "things" sent to them all the time- from patients, vendors, drug reps, etc... but they do care about your feelings
I wrote my Dr himself a heartfelt thank you note for everything that he did for me. (It was very difficult for me at the end and he knew how upset I was and he actually came in on his night off to deliver me- even though it ended up as an emergency section in the morning). When we dropped off his note for him at the office we brought an edible arrangements bouquet for him and the staff to enjoy.
no i didn't! thanks for the reminder... been meaning to send a note/pic to my RE. don't think gift is necessary but a treat for the office is always nice.
I emailed my doctor one night in the middle of the night with a heartfelt thanks. He responded saying that I have no idea what my email meant to him, he treasures it and our friendship, etc. I am also going to start volunteering with the foundation he set up to help preemies and their families, as I know that will mean more to him than any gift.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I plan to give my RE and his staff something nice. and as a nurse, I can tell you the office team always appreciates anything you bring by.
My RE has gone above and beyond....and I am so thankful for him. It took 39 years before I had answers reproductive wise....and he is the only one who figured it all out.
TTC for 12 years. m/c 2009.
BFP on New Year's 2010.
Re: Doctor gift?
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
I plan to give my RE and his staff something nice. and as a nurse, I can tell you the office team always appreciates anything you bring by.
My RE has gone above and beyond....and I am so thankful for him. It took 39 years before I had answers reproductive wise....and he is the only one who figured it all out.