The need for help is even more dire. I thought the poop from last night was it, after she went 12 days without a poop. (That is not a typo, it really was 12 days without a poop).
LO is playing on her playgym and started to crank. At this time in the morning it usually means she wants to cuddle, so we start watching Nick Jr and snuggling.
Until I smelled it.
I asked her if it were possible that she pooped again, after the massive tidal wave o'turd that she exploded out last night. (The neighbors still haven't found their children and our furniture is still floating around in the massive waves of poop.)
She clasped her hands together and laughed at me.
I go to change her and lo and behold is another tsunami of poop, just like last night. I go to wipe her and MORE comes out! So I take the diaper off and put on a sacrifice diaper just to get the poop outta there. At this point a little more came out, just enough to get on her feet and one of her hands. As I am trying to clean off the hand I hear more come out.
Good lord take cover if you are anywhere near NJ.
By this time disper #2 is full. I again remove it and take another sacrifice diaper just to contain the mess. I start to wipe and OMG, she fills that diaper.
I swear to you, this is not an "I Love Lucy" episode but it could be one...
Now diaper #3 is full and I see that DH didn't refill the diaper drawer, so now I have to put LO down on her playmat so I can go get more diapers. After I curse DH out the whole way downstairs and back up, LO is giggling again.
I put on diaper #4 and not two seconds after I velcro it shut, guess what she does while laughing at me.
Onto diaper #5.
I told her that she must have lost at least 2lbs pooping all that much. I think the best part is that the whole time she was just laughing her little butt off about it.
Re: Update to please send help.
Your post last night was hysterical!
Hopefully she will be feeling good and be "regular" from now on. Have you tried a probiotic? I swear that's the reason for Marino's extremely regular BM schedule (twice a day, same time every day).
I think she infected Robbie. I'm drowning in poop today, too. And the best part is that every time he does it, he pukes, too.
I'm on my 3rd load of laundry of the day.
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Your story has me cracking up!!! I love it!
And it brings back memories. DD had a 5 diaper poop in the NICU. It was crazy. Several nurses and myself were involved in trying to contain it. One of the nurses was hit by it across the room (seriously - it traveled a good 10 feet at least ). It was very explosive and kept coming and coming. How do these little ones keep all that botled up inside ... and where exactl do they keept it? It makes me think of cans of whipped cream under pressure - and I know tht is gross, but it seems like a similar concept. Anyway, your story has me mentally re-living our experience and belly laughing at it.
I hope she's done with it for now! And I am glad she was so amused by it! At least you weren't dealing with a screaming crying mess of a kiddo at the same time.