
Anyone's DC have perioral dermatitis?

How long after treatment did it take to clear up?  What type of treatment did they have?  Does it reoccur?

DD has it and the dermatologist said to try metrocream for 6 weeks and if it didn't clear up to call and he'd prescribe an antiobiotic.  I think we'll need the antibiotic because it's been nearly a month and it's not any better.  I'm glad it doesn't seem to bother her, but it looks like it would be irritating!

Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
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Re: Anyone's DC have perioral dermatitis?

  • yes ds had it.  I think it took longer than 6 wks to get rid of it. We also used metrocream.  It really wasn't a big deal I don't think I would start antibiotics for it.
  • Thanks!  Most of the info I find on it is all for adults.  I had bad skin growing up so I'm always more self consious of it than needed, I'm sure. 
    Gavin - 12.05.06 and Molly - 10.22.08
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