High-Risk Pregnancy

all you cerclage mamas!! possible tmi

does you vagina feel different/wierd? mine was placed last week and now it feels wierd like swollen or big/saggy. sorry for tmi but its def different, haha!

Re: all you cerclage mamas!! possible tmi

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    Mine didnt feel any different while it was in place..but since it was removed...it feels weird..but maybe cause i am already in early stages of labor. Ask OB at next appt..hopefully there is no infection or swelling going on down there.

    Good Luck

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    My doctor gave me an antibiotic suppository for my cerclage that I put in (with an applicator) once a week. My cervix was definitely "lower" the first few times I put in in (like the first 3 weeks) and now it's higher up. So I think it's normal.
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    I had a cerclage put in at 22 wks which was a month ago now. Lately what I have been experience is lack of moister down there. I feel like I have a dry tampon on. Its becoming a bit uncomfortable. I have my next Dr appt next week and I will ask if its normal.
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