High-Risk Pregnancy

New mom - worried my GD didn't go away

So, admittedly, I haven't gone back for my 2 hour test and I know I should. This morning I pulled out my meter and my fasting number was 127.

Needless to say, I'm really worried. 127 is high by "normal blood glucose" number.

I know that most women here are pregnant for the first time (that's how I found this board last fall after my GD diagnosis) but I'm just curious if there are any women on here who learned they actually had diabetes after a GD test.

Thank you so much.

Re: New mom - worried my GD didn't go away

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    I would go in and see your doctor pronto. This is nothing to mess with. If you do have it it may just be a pre-diabetes situation and you can treat it with a modified diet, exercise, and maybe some metformin. I know it is in my family huge and I am concerned that it won't go away this time.

    It went away last time and didn't really pop back up until I got pregnant again but it came back with this pregnancy immediately, so I am worried. 

    But I also realize that when you are not pregnant you have a lot more flexibility to work at getting your numbers down and diabetes is a lot easier to live with when you are not pregnant and worried about the baby.

    GL to you. But yea, call that doctor today!

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    Definitely go and have it checked out but also know that it takes some moms up to 6 months for their sugars to normalize after delivery.  So it could just be taking you a little longer.

    Also, my nurse said there is some speculation that women whose diabetes doesn't go away after pregnancy had it before getting pregnant but were just not diagnosed.  

    Either way, get yourself checked out and don't stress yet.  It won't help your numbers any :)

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    Also, my nurse said there is some speculation that women whose diabetes doesn't go away after pregnancy had it before getting pregnant but were just not diagnosed.  

    Either way, get yourself checked out and don't stress yet.  It won't help your numbers any :)

    This is by far my biggest fear. I was tested years ago but not recently. And I'm terrified by what this means for my little girl. I controlled GD really well with diet and walking so I guess for immediate, that's all I can do until I get into the doc on Monday for the 2 hour GT.

    The irony is that DD was 6lbs5oz at birth and she was just 8 days early.

    Thanks, ladies, for your responses.

    And congrats on your pregnancies!

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