High-Risk Pregnancy

bummed...whole week of good fasting #s...until today :-(

I was so excited that I had a whole week of good fasting numbers and then this morning I got 103.  Sad  I'm hoping it's just a fluke (even though I tested 3 times to be sure) and that it'll go back down tomorrow.  So frustrating!

Re: bummed...whole week of good fasting #s...until today :-(

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    i just noticed that we both live in jersey, we both have GD, and we have the same due date!!
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    The same thing happened to me yesterday-- I got a 108, today it is 95. What time did you eat your snack and what did you eat?  I ate less crackers last night and i think that helped.
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    i just noticed that we both live in jersey, we both have GD, and we have the same due date!!

    That's too funny!!!  What part of Jersey are you in?  Did you drive to work in this snow?  The roads were fine this morning but I'm sure it'll be a mess by the time I leave.

    Besides the GD, how have you been feeling?

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    The same thing happened to me yesterday-- I got a 108, today it is 95. What time did you eat your snack and what did you eat?  I ate less crackers last night and i think that helped.

    I don't eat an evening snack.  But, I was at a Kiwanis function last night and didn't eat until after 7/7:30 and got stuck with chicken parm (which I would never normally order but the menu just said chicken so I had no idea).  I wonder if that's what caused it.  I couldn't check my number after eating because I had a long drive home and that's when I would have tested so it screwed me up.

    Hopefully, the doc won't think it's so bad since I haven't had any other bad numbers in over a week.  They were on the fence about upping/changing my meds but then I've had all good numbers so I'm not sure what they'll do.  I don't go back to the perinatologist for another 1.5 weeks so I'm trying to keep them all under until I see him.

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    That's probably why then.  I don't think the dr will do anything for one bad number.  The same thing happened to me last night--- I had to go to a dinner and they served pasta with a really big meatball.  I ate some of the pasta and the meatball and half a piece of bread-my number wasn't too bad, but I wish I could haveeaten better.
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