High-Risk Pregnancy

Bedrest Mama's Daily Check-In***Thursday

This thread is for any and all mamas on bedrest, in any form. We are stuck home or in the hospital, in a bed or on our couches, and could use the support of each other to make it through this time in order to get to a healthy baby! We all know how hard bedrest is and we wish everyone a healthy pregnancy!!!! Anyone is welcome to join, and anyone can start this daily thread. Just copy and paste this paragraph and info lines below if you get here and the thread has yet to start for that day!  

Name - Michelle

Due Date - 4/20

Date Placed on Bedrest - at 14wks

Type - Modified Home Bedrest

Why ? herniated disks in back

Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

Answer- We aren't doing maternity photo's but are going to do newborn ones and Troy and I each picked a hat off etsy.com for her to wear during the shoot.  I'm really excited and the photographer we are using is getting a cocoon as well for the pics!

Updates- Well, today Troy and I signed a purchase agreement to buy a restaurant.  Yesterday we got approved for our loan from the bank.  So looks like life is going to be even more crazy than it already is....and I get to sit here and watch it all happen.  I know I should be thrilled, but I'm mostly just p*ssed that I can't do anything or go out and celebrate this.  I want to pack and run around and plan things and can't.  I've been frustrated and cranky lately and have a feeling I just need to wait this out till I give birth.  I think that the BR is starting to get to me, as well as the increasing pain.Tongue Tied

I have a doc appt tomorrow, not with high-risk but with my reg ob.  I don't want to go unless she's going to tell me that she's screwed up and I'm 38wks pregnant, Olivia's healthy and I'm dialated.  How's this for being a whiny little baby...sorry guys.  I think I just need to get some sleep.  I'll swing back tomorrow and let you all know how the appt went.

Re: Bedrest Mama's Daily Check-In***Thursday

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    Name - Lauren

    Due Date - 3/23

    Date Placed on Bedrest - all 1st tri-16 weeks, admitted to hospital 1/4

    Type - strict hospital bedrest

    Why ? IUGR

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    Answer- We are having both done--my two SIL's are really  into photography and have super nice cameras, etc. My SIL already came to the hospital and did some maternity shots and the other sister offered to do some newborn shots once LB is here-- Here are a few pics from my maternity shots





    Updates- My neck and back pain are getting worse and I'm livid w/ whoever the "resident" is that refusing to give me anything but tylenol for it--in the past they've given me percocet (b/c its the only thing strong enough to even touch the pain) well last night before bed I was in pain and she wouldnt give me any, than this morning when I woke up at 5am in excruciating pain she offered me tylenol again--DOESNT SHE REALIZE THAT TYLENOL IS WORTHLESS FOR ANY AND ALL PAIN?!?? Ugh I seriously was ready to punch her as I was laying sobbing in bed, unable to move...so now at 6:30, after talking w/ a nurse and 3 dr's they finally gave me percocet (which they have been doing off and on for the past 3 weeks I dont know why it took so long to get it today)

    On a happier note, we got the nursery almost finished last night on my 4 hour pass home! I will post pics later today (I'm going to try and go back to bed) but I think it turned out super cute--and I have LB's coming home outfit which is super precious so I'll post a pic of that too--its weird to think that the next time I go home I wont be pregnant anymore! SOOO strange!

    **Michelle-- I am so excited for you about the restaurant!! So now that you have the purchase agreement what is the next step? I know its tough--I am getting pretty burned out on BR and youve been on it longer than me!

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    Name - Allison

    Due Date - 3/25

    Date Placed on Bedrest - 32w5d

    Type - Modified Home Bedrest

    Why ? IUGR & PTL

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    Answer- I'm not doing maternity photos. I didn't do any official maternity photos with my first pregnancy either. My husband will do newborn photos since he's good at photography and has the camera equipment.

    Updates- Nothing new to report. I have a regular OB appt tomorrow morning (with an NST) and I assume we'll discuss moving up the c-section to next week since that was the high risk OB's advice. Tomorrow afternoon I have another high risk OB appt for fluid level checks.

    Lauren- That's terrible that you couldn't get pain medication! Luckily only a few more days until the induction. Maybe the doctors could leave the Percocet as a standing order so other residents don't have to be involved in making sure you get it next time.

    Michelle- Congrats on the restaurant! You sure are going to have a busy year!

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    Name - Laura

    Due Date - 6/5

    Date Placed on Bedrest - 1/15 at 20w

    Type - modified bedrest at home

    Why ? Incompetent Cervix- Cerclage

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    Answer- Newborn photos- definitely.  I'm not sure about maternity photos yet.  I was just saying to DH last night that I know after LO gets here and is OK I will be so happy and think that all this BR was worth it.  But for now- this is seriously miserable.  I just feel like this pregnancy is consumed with worry and boredom and frustration.  So, do I want pictures to remember it by???  I am torn and can't decide.

    Update- Nothing too new here.  We're supposed to get like 2 feet of snow today- so I think my u/s might be cancelled for tomorrow morning.  I'm going to give them a call in a little while and see what the story is.  So, I'm bummed out- I feel like I've been robbed of my outing this week.  But, my cleaning lady is coming today- and I always feel alot better after she comes, because it really helps DH and I just love it when my house is clean.  It's the little things.

    Michelle- Congrats on the restaurant.  That's wonderful.  Do you think there's any chance your OB will induce you early?  I don't know the protocol for this stuff- but if your pain is that bad, I feel like a few weeks early wouldn't jeopardize Livy and it would give you a date to look forward to.

    Lauren- Those are beautiful pictures!  Sorry your pain is so bad.  What's wrong with that resident?!  You must feel good that things are in order at home now with the nursery.  That's wonderful- are you getting so excited?  The thought of getting off bedrest alone is super exciting to me.

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    Name - Natasha

    Due Date - 4/29

    Date Placed on Bedrest - at 29w1d

    Type - Modified Bedrest

    Why ? Pre-e

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    I had my maternity shots done at 27.5 weeks and we'll probably get newborn photo's done later on!

    Update- I have an OB appointment at 11. I am really nervous. I have a BPP and NST scheduled. I know I have overdid it this week so I am kind of concerned.

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    name: lisa

    due date: 7/11

    placed on bedrest: 16w5 days

    type: couch/bed rest

    why: short cervix/cerclage

    qotd: i was kind of anti maternity shots b/c i am not the biggest fan of having my photo taken but now that i am under house arrest and there will be like no photos of my pregnant i am on the fence, so the verdict is still out. as for newborn shots my mom and i are both fairly accomplished photographers so there will be no lack of photos of these babies however i am also having pro pics taken. the photographers who did our wedding (they are a couple who mh and i have become quite friendly with) are going to do black and white candids of the bris/naming so we can get lots of intergenerational shots. and i am also hiring another photog to come over and do some nice color portraits. a friend recently used her and the pictures were gorgeous and her price is incredibly reasonable so i figured why not.

    updates: saw my dr. yesterday. he is pleased with how everything looks. my cervix was at 1.56cm up from 1.43 last week so i like that! babies looked good, but it was just the crappy in exam room u/s, we have our growth scan next week. we got the results from our quad screen back and everything looks great, risks for both babies were 1 in 250,000. my dr. gave me the go ahead to go to my parents' house for dinner every friday night so i get to leave the house twice a week now and am thrilled! 

    michelle - that is so exciting about the restaurant, congratulations!

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    Lauren...the next step is to pack!  They have to do one minor inspection on the place tomorrow, but I don't see any problems with it.  We have the loan approval, the seller and buyer(us) are locked in and as long as there isn't a major issue that comes up, we are set!  We will be starting things like getting some new carpet in an area of the living quarters (Livy's Playroom) and deep cleaning done right away on the 15-18th of next month then move stuff in.  I'll be living up here for the most part because I have to give birth here.  It will be complicated...

    I'm really p*ssed that you had trouble getting your meds.  It's not like you "like" taking them.  Is it an issue because LB is so close to coming?  It doesn't sound like you've had them often enough for them to affect that though.....either way- Hugs!!!


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    Thanks to all you ladies for your congrats!!

    **Laura...they are not planning on inducing early at this point.  I'm measuring behind, but Livy is still growing, so they want her to cook!  Also, because of the placement of my herniated disks, I most likely won't be able to have an epi or pain meds.  I'd hoped to go natural anyways, but this won't be a typical birth due the extra pain I'll be in.  So to induce without the option of any pain relief is something they want to avoid.....and me too!!  I'd rather just deal for a little longer when I really weigh the situation.  It's started to be a big struggle for me between increasing pain and having been on BR for so long, but when I can pull my head out of my @ss and step back, I know what the right thing to do is....I just don't always like it!! :-)

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    Hi girls, look like I'm joining you for the remainder of this pregnancy.

    Name- Liz

    Due Date- 5/29

    Date placed on bedrest- 2/24

    Type- home bedrest

    Why-shortened cevix/Bicornuate uterus

    I am still on the fence about maternity photos.  I still don't have much of a bump yet.  Definitly plan on newborn photos, it will be the same photographer that did our wedding photos.  He did a fantastic job.

    I have to go back tonight for my second steroid shot, and then Fri am to check my cervix again.  Hopefully it's not shorter.  I'm still in shock that yesterday I was working, doing housework, etc and now stuck in bed.  We had plans for disneyland to see captain EO(I know I'm a dork) and we got tickets for the Laker game on sun.  This had to happen before a busy weekend.  At least I'm not doing that stuff now.  The nurse's and u/s tech had that worried look on their faces last night and wanted to say some prayers.  It put me into freak out mode.  Ok I'm ranting now and will stop. 


    BFP #1 9/6/2009 EDD 5/29/10. Missy Moo born 5/12/10 after 3 months of bedrest due to PTL, IC and a bicornuate ute causing IUGR
    BFP # 2 1/28/12 EDD 10/6/12 No heartbeat seen @ 10 weeks, Autumn
    BFP #3 8/18/12 EDD 5/2/13 No heartbeat seen at 7w3d, Mae
    BFP #4 01/31/2013 EDD 10/15/2013 No HB seen in our little girl at 10w2d due to trisomy 12, Abigail
    BFP #5 6/27/2013 EDD 3/10/2014 diagnosed with protein S deficiency heparin twice a day. Luke's HB stopped at 8wks
    BFP#6 12/22/2013 EDD 9/4/2014 No HB seen at 7w2d, Leia

    BFP #7- 5/12/14 EDD 01/2015, ruptured ectopic 5/31/14

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    Name - Ashley

    Due Date - 4/14

    Date Placed on Bedrest - 31 weeks

    Type - strict home bed rest

    Why ? complete placenta previa

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    Answer- No maternity pictures. We'll be doing newborn pictures of some sort though. :-)

    Updates- I had an appointment with my OB on Tuesday. My previa is still complete, according to the u/s. I have my last u/s in two weeks to look at the placenta one last time, though the OB says the chances of it moving this late in the game are slim to none. We scheduled are c-section for March 25th, exactly 4 weeks away! I'll be on strict bed rest until then. I'm really hoping I don't have another bleeding episode that puts me in the hospital or forces me to deliver early.

    Ashley & Jeff Married since August 2007 BFP Cycle #16, Clomid 100mg DD #1 born on March 25, 2010 TTC #2 as of May 31, 2011 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Due Date - 4/16

    Date Placed on Bedrest - 12/31 @ 25 weeks

    Type - First home strict bedrest; hospital bed rest as of 2/17

    Why ? Hypertension/Pre-eclampsia

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    Answer- We aren't doing maternity pictures.  I had thought about it, but now that's been put on the back burner.  We may do newborn photos, but I haven't really thought about it yet.

    Updates- Still here in the hospital.  It's just a wait and see game now.  Nothing really new since I posted an update last week.

    Sorry I have been checking in.  I read and lurk on here, but it hurts to type with my IV site in, so I've been trying to avoid typing as much as possible.  I'll try to be better though.


    Michelle- I'm sorry you're having such trouble with heartburn.  It's one of my least favorite symptoms :(


    Lauren - I'm sorry you're in so much pain.  I've only been on hospital bedrest for a week now and I'm already so sore and stiff......I can't even imagine how you must feel!

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    So thankfully I finally got some pain meds--whoever that dr was this morning was a jackas*--the mfm resident came in after and got me some percocet, then my actual high risk peri came in later during rounds and I told him what happened and he seemed really confused and annoyed for me--he said he has always okay'd me getting the pain meds so he didnt understand why this dr wouldnt give them to me...either way he wrote in my chart a standing order for me to be able to get them whenever I ask for them (well every 4 hours lol) and

    Michelle--youre right I think it pissed me off even more because I already feel so guilty and horrible for asking for them in the 1st place that I wait till I'm feeling horrible and then to not get them AND get a lecture about the risk to my baby at 5am made me want to punch this dr in the face haha and I am SUPER pumped for you about the restuarant that is so exciting! As stressful as moving is I am sure it will be a nice distraction to not be thinking about baby stuff 24/7--keep us posted w/ how things go!!

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    Name -

    Due Date -

    Date Placed on Bedrest - home (currently in hospital)

    Type -strick home bed rest

    Why ? PTL, funneling and shortening cervix

    Question of the Day- Are you planning on having either maternity or newborn photo's done?

    Answer- No maternity pics, my streach marks are nasty:) But my parents bought me this "grow with me package" from our wedding photographer that i love.  she does newborn pictures and then 3m, 6m, 8m  and one year.  A few friends of mine have gotten this package with her and the photos are so adorable so i am excitied to take pictures.

    Update: Got sent to L&D yesterday b/c i was having too many contraction during my at home moniroting sessison.  To make a long story short, the meds don;t seem to be working for more then 10 hours, mag failed so now i am on oral turb pills and praying it stops them so i can keep there boys cooking for a week or two. I am freaking about that they will be born now. I really wanted to make it to 30 weeks.  But sadly the peri and the nurses keep telling me that if this does not work i will just end up delivering soon. :(  So please send prayers for the boys and that my uterious chills out.

     Michelle-- Congrats on the restaurant!  

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