High-Risk Pregnancy

May have to go back on modified bedrest

And I'm super depressed about it. I started having some more spotting and when I talked to the doctor about it he said "you're doing too much". I'm like how the hell can I do LESS than I do now without lying down all day? It sucks, I don't want to be confined to work or home only. I know it may be what's best for the baby but damn. I'm already itching to go jogging again since the weather is super nice here, it kills me that I can't go for a walk with my son or a million things that I want to do. Not that the baby isn't worth the sacrafice but crap I'm going stir crazy.
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Re: May have to go back on modified bedrest

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    I feel ya!!  I cried all the way home from my doc appt the other day because I wanted to go for a walk outside.  Such a simple little thing, but really, I just want fresh air!  And it's freakin cold here, so you know I've got the stir-crazies bad!!

    Just try to keep focusing on how it won't last forever and once LO is here you can be free again!  We all make it somehow!  Good Luck!

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