High-Risk Pregnancy

question for GD ladies

So how are you supposed to do kick counts with GD? I was always told to have something sugary and then do them. I'm not sure what will work now. Is fruit "sugary" enough?

Re: question for GD ladies

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    My doctor told me to drink ice water and it has made helped!
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    If you drink 2 glasses of cold water in quick succession, then lay down and push around on your belly, you should begin feeling movement.  At about 32 weeks, my doc told me that babies start developing regular sleep patterns so you may go long periods of time feeling nothing and need to push on your belly to wake them up. 
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    I think I did kick counts 2x in my entire first pregnancy and only once so far in this pregnancy.  It's not something that my OB worries about.  She just told me to do it if I'm concerned about decreased movement.


    As for what to have, any cold drink works for me but especially a little caffeine.  She also tends to move around immediately after I eat, regardless of the sugar level.

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    My OB said having a small amount of OJ was fine...I usually have a little bit (1/4-1/2 cup) with a piece of cheese.

    That being said my OB only has me do this when there is a concern about decreased movement.  I have done it once, maybe twice so far.

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