High-Risk Pregnancy

New Here-Introducing Myself

Hi Ladies,

I have been lurking for a while but wanted to say hi.  I have PCOS/Type 2 diabetes (they arent sure which b/c I've been on Metformin for years).  Switched to insuilin at week 10 b/c my fasting numbers were high even on the Met.  Now I'm at 14 weeks, taking 10 units of Humulin (one dose at night) and my numbers are SO low.  In fact, I had an insulin reaction twice (one in the middle of the night b/c I didnt eat much dinner) and a really low reading one morning, at 55.  This sucks!  They want me to change my diet and probably add more carbs.  I feel I'm eating pretty normally though, I was never a huge carb eater.  So weird...just hoping baby and hormones are okay...I'm uber paranoid.  I've never been on insulin so this is kind of scary and new.  Anyway, nice to "meet" you all!

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