High-Risk Pregnancy

A question for the bed rest ladies . . .

What do you do all day?

I'm on strict home bed rest, and I'm struggling to keep myself entertained. I've tried movies, books, and games, and nothing seems to hold my interest for long.


Ashley & Jeff Married since August 2007 BFP Cycle #16, Clomid 100mg DD #1 born on March 25, 2010 TTC #2 as of May 31, 2011 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: A question for the bed rest ladies . . .

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    On an average day I will surf the internet (bump, fb, blogs, an IUGR message board I'm on, other random funny websites lol, etc.)

    I also watch alot of tv online ( I try not to watch tv in the evening when DH is visiting me so that I have something to watch the next day during the day when I'm all by myself)-- I watch Greys, Private Practice, Castle, Modern Family, the Office, Community, Lost, 16 & Pregnant, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, & 30 Rock--all available online for free

    I watch a lot of tv series via netflix on-demand, I like to try and pic shows that there are at least 2 seasons of so I can watch them for a while, a few I would suggest are: Lost, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order:CI, 30 Rock and I've been watching Dead Like Me (and Mad Men but we actually got the dvd's for this show)--if you dont already have Netflix, GET IT! Its totally worth the money and hours upon hours of entertainment

    I try to read for at least 30 mins, I will also try and do crosswords/sudoku for at least 30 mins. to keep my brain somewhat stimulated--I also will listen to sermons online since I cant go to church

    Other random things I do: paint my nails, knit, online scrapbooking

    Hope this gives you some ideas! I have better luck watching tv shows than I do movies for some reason--but I will watch movies in the evening w/ DH! HTH!

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    I'm working from home so I constantly check email.

    I agree that netflix is great.  I've watched several tv series.  I also bargain hunt for baby stuff.  I'm always trying to find the best deal or figure out what product I should get.  RIght now I'm reasearching double strollers.

    FB, message boards, online magazines, books - I'm working on Jane Austen's novels right now and most have a movie made about them so that's nice to watch after I finish the book.

    I also knit and crochet and that seems to pass time quickly.

    best of luck.  it does get boring and you will get restless but try to stay positive and you may have to reach out to your friends to talk b/c sometimes they don't want to bother you or think your having the time of your life and don't need their companionship.

     Take care - Hang in there :)

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    I also have a hard time focusing on things for any period of time.  I generally am doing 2 things at once-- on the internet and watching TV, or have the TV on and a book open. 

    Like the others, I watch a lot of TV.  It is easier to make it through a sitcom than through a whole movie.  I just gave in to my bedrest ADD and don't force myself to keep doing something if I'm bored with it.

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