
Drunk nesting ask me anything..

I had a day from hell so I popped the cork.. ask me anything

Re: Drunk nesting ask me anything..

  • Favorite sexual position?


    How is that to get things moving around here?

    J1 1.19.07
    J2 11.17.08
  • Do you ever get down about only experiencing pregnancy once? Obviously you have 3 beautiful kids, but this is something I struggle with.
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  • fav position me on top..

    get things going.. great topic..

  • imageExpecting0207:

    Favorite sexual position?


    How is that to get things moving around here?

    I asked Jamaica this earlier and she didn't even answer.....hmmm..


    Favorite location for knockin' boots?

    Where would you like to move to?

    What do you love the most about each kid?

    What do you love the most about yourself & DH?


  • To be honest yes but for different reasons. I did not have a normal pregnancy, granted I have an older, much older son, but I was so young and ti was such a different situation (16 and pregnant, highschool etc) so in away, in my own way, I have never experienced a normal pregnancy, being able to show the pg belly off, doing the shopping thing etc.

    Then there are the things you miss with having three at one time, the snuggling yes I snuggled my babies, but not as much as I would have liked, the showing them off, they were premature and the only way I got to show them off was on the internet. 


    Do not get me wrong I have had some amazing experiences with them, feeling three babies move at once inside me, the ultrasounds, seeing their heartbeats, seeing them hold hands as infants and snuggle into each other. So yes my experiences was different and I missed some things but I gained so much more. 

  • How old is your firstborn son and do you have a good relationship with him?
  • Favorite location, I would have to say going with the moment and knockin boots where ever you are that the mood hits you. not always going to bed. My fav memory of knockin boots was on the balcony of a cruise ship while docked across from the Disney ship


    I would love to move to a beach, any beach

    What do I love about each child. oh wow.. where to start.
    Going in birth order to not show faviortisim.

    Douglas is all boy, he is ninety miles an hour, he is loving and caring and has such a big imagination.  He is the type of boy to bring you frogs, etc.

    Kalie Rose Such a sweet talented baby girl, and my only girl, she is just like my mom all attitude. Her smile will melt your heart as well as her eyes. She loves with all that she is and gives you all that she is.

    John Michael such a handsome boy and loving, he gives kisses and hugs for no reason at all, he loves with all that he is and is so smart. He looks just like his dad and has those blue eyes that will melt you when you look at them, he is the most adorable thing.  I could not imagine him any different than he is. 


    Love about myself. I am awesome.. I am proud of what I have accomplished in life and how far I have come. My life has not been easy and I have overcome so much but it was not without hard work

    My husband, he is adorable, loving and caring, would go to the moon for me if I asked and would never hurt me on purpose. On our first date he kissed me on my forehead. He was so sweet and did not just go out with me for  "One thing" He believes in me and wants me to be happy. He could not be a better father, he does so much for the children, bed time routine every night and gets them up on weekends. It is important to him to be a big part of their lives, I love that about him so much. He wants to be important to them, he wants To be the most important man in Kalies Life and to be the boys best buddy.

  • My first born son is 24 years old I have a decent relationship with him, better than I ever expected. I made the decision to give him up for adoption when I was 16 and pregnant. The paternal grandparents asked me, took me to court, to be able to raise him. It has not been easy. I love him and I have spent time with him and have missed him so much over the years. We have talked through so much and have come so far. Was our relationship always .easy. no but now we have a really good relationship. I honestly would not blame him if he never wanted to talk to him. I am privileged that he has been able to get through all of this and that he is such a big part of my life and the kids life.
  • if you had to name three babies today what would you name them?
  • The last two posts are super sweet.  Smile
    J1 1.19.07
    J2 11.17.08
  • I could not imagine naming the three I have anything different than they are named. Their names just "fit" them if you know what I mean.


    if by some miracle or freak nature I was pregnant again with triplets same sex that they are now, two boys and one girl I would name them

    Benton Oliver

    Sarah Ann

    Christopher Alan


  • imageBelle4KP:

    I could not imagine naming the three I have anything different than they are named. Their names just "fit" them if you know what I mean.


    if by some miracle or freak nature I was pregnant again with triplets same sex that they are now, two boys and one girl I would name them

    Benton Oliver

    Sarah Ann

    Christopher Alan


    great names!

  • imageExpecting0207:
    The last two posts are super sweet.  Smile


    Thank you.. 

  • who is your FAVORITE nestie?

    Least favorite?

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagebreezee_bean:

    I could not imagine naming the three I have anything different than they are named. Their names just "fit" them if you know what I mean.


    if by some miracle or freak nature I was pregnant again with triplets same sex that they are now, two boys and one girl I would name them

    Benton Oliver

    Sarah Ann

    Christopher Alan


    great names!


    as with my first "four" they are all family names

  • imageeclaires:

    who is your FAVORITE nestie?

    Least favorite?


    girl are you trying to get me hung out to dry.


    Least favorite to be honest changes from day to day, it all depends, I was really upset with ghm for a while and to be honest she deserved it but then so did I. so who knows. fav nestie changes as well. I love uga but she is my neighbor and whitedress but again I have met her in person. I have always respected Bubbly and even you eclairs, you give great shopping advice. GHM and I have "known" each other a long time that is why I got so upset when she through me to the dogs a while back. I like twochickens but again I have met her in real life as well.

  • ooo lucky that UGA is your neighbor - she's one of my fave nesties!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageeclaires:
    ooo lucky that UGA is your neighbor - she's one of my fave nesties!


    she is just as sweet and polite in real life as she is here. 

  • what Nestie Sin are you guilty of?  (spanking, CIO, leaving in the car alone, etc) 
  • I did sleep training so CIO I guess, but to be honest they never really cried, I tried to never put them in bed asleep, but do not really every remember them crying them selves to sleep. I got them used to self calming early on, this was thanks to the NICU experience. Never leave in the car alone and yes I have spanked them but never with a spatula.
  • going to bed before I regret what I type
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