I know this is super random, but my dad got me a box of Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee flavored K-Cups (super sweet b/c he knows I love it!).
I am totally dairy-free b/c of nursing and while my first thought is that it's probably flavored with artificial this and that, the reprecussions of having dairy are pretty bad so I'm not willing to chance it (not an allergy or anything, just that DS will be up all night long miserable and miserable all day tomorrow).
I called their "customer service" number and have left 2 messages and emailed them through their website and no one will respond. Do you think it contains dairy? I'm a little leery of it b/c I was scarfing down some crazy pumpkin spice latte's from Starbucks for a while before I went to the website and sure enough, the flavoring that they squirt in had dairy in it.
I'm jonesing for a tasty cup of coffee and the box is staring at me!
Re: Random ?: Do flavored coffees ever contain dairy?
I wouldn't trust anything that was toffee or caramel flavored. Caramel flavoring has dairy in it for sure.
I'm not sure if that specific one has dairy however yes, k-cups do have dairy in them.
I actually just googled nutritional information on the cafe escapes cafe mocha one today (b/c I wanted to know calorie content) and one of the ingredients listed is creamer. There was also a site I stumbled on this afternoon (don't remember where) and they were asking an employee of cafe escapes different questions and one of them was "is there dairy in the k-cups" and his response was yes.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I know, crazy right? It just says "coffee beans and artificial flavorings". Ugh
I think I'm not to the point where I've given up on it, but I'm even more pissed that they won't return my calls or emails!