High-Risk Pregnancy

New w/ GD & a question :)

Hi everyone!  So, apparently I failed my 1 hr. test by 3 points and they have thrown me into the early onset GD category.  I had my class and have been tracking my numbers for 5 days now and I am only have 1 problem!  My fasting number is always high... but during the day I am fine.  I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and if so what they did about it.  Thanks for any info!

Re: New w/ GD & a question :)

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    what are you having for your evening snack? have you tried eating diff things at night to see if that makes a difference? more protein, less carbs?

    I think  a lot of people have trouble with the fasting number.  If you can't get it down your doc will probably put you on meds to get it down. 

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    i had that problem exactly... my dietician wanted to tweak my bedtime snack, but my dr called before i had a chance to try it and they put me on the lowest dose (2.5 MG) of glyburide.... its helped a ton!!!!!
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    I had the exact same problem.  I experimented with evening snacks and nothing helped so they ended up putting me on meds.  Your fasting is your hardest to regulate and there's often nothing that you can do about it, unfortunately.  Sometimes, meds are the only answer.
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