High-Risk Pregnancy

New to the High Risk Boards

Hello ladies! A little about me:

I'm 16 weeks pregnant with our first child. I'm terrified and excited all at the same time. We didn't realize we were expecting until I was 8 weeks along. I generally feel fine, minus a little cramping. Each visit to the OB has led to more obscure questions and additional 'testing'. 

Apparently my blood pressure is really high, and I've already been put on Procardia. This past weekend I had to do my first 24-hour urine test. Monday March 1st, I meet with a perinatologist.

Any advice, tips/tricks would be appreciated! 

Re: New to the High Risk Boards

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    I don't have high BP now, but have fought it in the past.  Diet, exercise, and stress minimizing are the best things that I know worked for me.

    Watch the salt, drink a ton of water, regular and gentle exercise and avoid stress.  If you can get one of those "at home" monitors, and check yourself throughout the day, watch for foods/times/people/situations that spike your BP.

    Oh yeah, remember to breathe. =)  Deep breaths are very good too.

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    I had very high BP -- it even got up to 200/110 one time.  My peri put me on Procardia pretty early on, maybe at week 12, and it has worked very well for me.  My BP is now around 135/75 now.  My peri wants me to maintain my BP under 150/100.  It took a while for the Procardia to decrease my BP down to 135/75, so hang in there.  My peri had to double my dose to 60 mg after a couple of weeks b/c 30 mg wasn't working.  The Procardia gave me a major headache the first day, but after my body got used to it, I have had no problems with it. 

    I did the 24-hour urine test pretty early on as well, but I passed, so no pre-e for me.  

    Good luck and try to not stress so much -- stress raises your BP!  

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