High-Risk Pregnancy

Joining you ladies

I just got home from spending 3 days in labor and delivery due to bleeding caused by placenta previa. It was my 2nd time being hospitalized in two weeks so I have to be on bed rest until the c-section. If I have one more bleed I have to stay in the hospital until delivery. I'm also very anemic so they did iron infusions and want me to continue them for the next 3 weeks to get my levels up as much as possible. They're concerned I won't be able to handle another bleed or the loss of blood with the c-section. They gave me two shots to help mature his lungs and the goal is to make it to 35 weeks and then have the c-section. I really hope I make it that far. Thanks for listening and good luck to all of you!
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Re: Joining you ladies

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    Good luck!  I hope the bedrest and shots help get your baby as far along as possible!
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    Good luck! And feel free to join our bedrest check-ins. 

    I hope you can get your blood levels up and be healthy and ready for delivery. You can do it, it really isn't long between now and 35 weeks for you.

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