High-Risk Pregnancy

no longer on bedrest

hi ladies,

i won't be on this board anymore because we got a second opinion today and found out that my supposed hematoma was misdiagnosed--it wasn't a hematoma, was actually the remains of a lost twin. we're very sad about our lost twin but thrilled that the surviving twin is safe. anyway, no hematoma, so no more bedrest!

thanks to you ladies for your support and best of luck with the rest of your pregnancies!!

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Re: no longer on bedrest

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    I'm sorry for your lost twin, but SO happy that there is no hematoma.  Yea for no bedrest!!! =)
    m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11

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    So sorry about the loss of your twin.  Good thing you got a second opinion and enjoy the no bedrest!!! ;)
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    I'm glad you don't have to be on bedrest, or considered high-risk anymore.

    I'm sorry about the twin, but enjoy the one you do have!  have a healthy pregnancy!

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