High-Risk Pregnancy

Question About LA/ clotting disorders

Hello ladies! I recently lost my baby,and after some testing, found out I have lupus anticoagulant. I will be going in for more testing next month because my RE thinks i *could* also have lupus. It does run in my family and has caused fertility problems. Anyways, my question is: what do they normally do to treat this? I hear of Lovenex, and is this via injection? What about Coumadin? I am terrified on top of my IF issue I will never be able to carry my child full term. Anyone battling lupus? Thanks for any advice and congrats to you all!:-)
DX: Unexplained IF/possible PCOS 5/5/2010 Surprise BFP! After 2 miscarriages and many prayers, our angel is here:) Photobucket Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Question About LA/ clotting disorders

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    I'm so sorry for your loss.  I don't know anything about LA, or lupus in general, but I do know that a regimen of BP meds, coupled with daily Lovenox injections, have been what has saved this current pregnancy of mine, after 2 losses, a high risk pg, and another stillbirth.

    So, I guess I'd just encourage you to have all the testing done that you can.  Sometimes, they find something that is a huge fertility issue with the SIMPLEST fix....

    Good luck, and again, I'm sorry for your loss. =(

    m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11

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    I am so sorry for your loss. I have LA and I've been taking lovenox and baby aspirin daily since I got my BFP and I also had fertility issues but not related to thiis. They didn't find out ethis until my IVF bw. My pregnancy aside from GD has been healthy :) Good luck!!
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