My mom and my friend are co-hosting my shower in may. Anyone have good ideas for a location for a couple's shower? My boyfriend and I have several male friends who have expressed interest in maybe coming instead of just sending their girlfriends or wives. My mom has suggested a bowling alley so we can skip the shower games (that sounded good to me lol)... anyone think this a good idea? bad idea?
Re: couples shower? WDYT?
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I've been to a couples baby shower and to be honest the guys have zero interest in watching you open gifts.
I figured this might be the only real "drawback" to this scenario. I wouldnt really care if people wanted to bowl while we opened gifts... I kinda figured most people only really pay attention when the recipient is opening the gift they brought anyway...
We are having a couples baby shower. It is being held at a nice restaurant with a huge private room. There is a section of the room with a large flat screen t.v., bar and poker table set up for the guys. That way people can mingle in and out and if the guys don't want to watch us open gifts, they can play poker.
I like the idea of the room you might be able to get for your party at the bowling alley...sounds fun!