
f/u on naptime issues

If she doesn't go to sleep until 9:15-9:45 pm even when I put her in her bed at 8:20 pm no matter if she napped that day or not, and wakes at 6:40 am every day no matter what she did the previous day, that means she needs me to keep trying to get her to nap right? I mean she isn't getting enough sleep 9:45-6:40 is only 9 hours and she's supposed to get 11, I believe.

Re: f/u on naptime issues

  • It depends on how she acts. Does she appear well rested? I think some kids can just get away with less sleep. Unfortunately mine is one of them. DD seems to be good on 10 hours, if it is less than that, the meltdowns can be fierce. She will pass out in the car though once in a while for a 15 min power nap and that seems to help.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
  • do you think giving her back her paci will help her nap again?  I'm not at all trying to be snarky, but I don't think it's fair to take something away that helped her sleep and then expect her to continue napping.  

    I don't think 9 hours is "enough" but you might find that if she doesn't nap for a few days in a row, she might start going to be earlier.  

    When Ethan stopped napping, it was tough the first few days and then he started going to bed at 7:30pm at the latest.  And sleeping until 8am if I let him.


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  • I would look more at is she happy and not cranky/tired during the day if she doesn't nap, more than the time.

    DD goes to bed around 9-9:30 and gets up at 7 during the week.  I was telling this to her dr at her 3 yo check-up and she said that it was a little less than 'average' but wasn't concerned (then she found out that she napped at school during the week and slept in an hour later on weekend, so it averages out to about 11).

  • I don't know, my DD has always been like that. She's never needed a lot of sleep and has always fought naps and takes too much time to get to sleep. When she was younger, I stopped trying anytime before 9-9:30pm because she'd never sleep before then and *I* would be the only one getting frustrated.

    On weekends, she doesn't nap. During the week, she's required to at daycare and its always an issue. Most of the time, she'll try to chat with her friends, or do whatever it takes to take someone down with her. Other times, she'll lay quietly and fall asleep the last 30 minutes of their 2 hour nap.

  • If she's not napping and waking up that early, I would be putting her to bed at 7:30.  she might be overtired by 8:30. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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