High-Risk Pregnancy

Procardia and bedrest

I am on it for PTL. 

I am wondering if you were put on procardia, what was your dosing?  I am on 20mg 4x per day.  I am still having contractions and wondering if maybe I should be bumped up.

Also, bedrest (and possible taking procardia or another med) how long did you make it until?  I was told my goal is 36 weeks.

 Thanks in advance.  Any input appreciated.

Re: Procardia and bedrest

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    first of all, I'm 31 weeks today too! since I'm having trips 36 weeks is the longest goal - I'm hoping for 34-35ish but they'll let me go to 36 if everything looks ok.

    secondly, here's my dosage schedule (the doctors have let me tweak it a little based on how I've been feeling):

    10mg every 6 hours at night, and every 4 hours during the day: 9pm, 3am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm

    Once when the contractions wouldn't stop I took another 10mg dose about an hour after the first one. The MFM said that he wouldn't have recommended doing that, but since I didn't have any adverse side effects it was ok to do. Just not very often.

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    My first pregnancy, I was on procardia and cant remember my dosage.  I had to switch back and forth every few weeks from that and terbutaline. 

    36 weeks is the ideal goal for baby's development.  Ironically, after 36w for me my daughter decided to stay put and I stopped having problems.  I was induced 3 days after her due date!

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    I've been on bed rest for two weeks now and on procardia.  I was sent home with instructions to take it (10mg) every 4 hours.  After my follow up with the OB and no real contractions for the previous week she told be I could drop back to every 6 hours.  Right now it is working for me and keeping everything at bay.  

    After my first week on bed rest the OB said I could sit up more and move a bit more but no jumping up and doing housework or anything crazy.  She told me once we get to 34 weeks if I'm still doing well she will let me do even more.  The goal at this point is 36 weeks - I won't go past that point as I have Cholestasis (again with this pregnancy) so at that point they will induce me if I haven't delivered.  

    I'm just counting one day at a time and ticking them off my calendar.  

    Good Luck. 

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    Hey there!

    I was put on procardia at 28 weeks.  My original dosage was 20mg every 6 hours.  Last week I had false labor and my doctor bumped me up to 20mg every 4 hours.  I am so close to 36 weeks, this is my goal, too.  At first I didn't think the procardia wasn't doing anything, but I am convinced after making it 7 more weeks, it is.

    Also, if you're still having contractions, check to see if you have a UTI.  I had a hidden one and now that I've taken antibiotics for it, the contractions have almost completely stopped.

    GL and hang in there.  Keep those babies cookin'.   

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    Hi, I am also on procardia for PTL & a cerclage. I am taking 10mg every 4 hrs. So far no contractions its been working well for me. I am now 28 wks and my goal is to get 35 wks. Dr said that if I get to 35 wks and every thing is good she'll let me go further. Good luck to you and your LO. Hang in there!
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    I was on 10 mg every 4 hours and made it to 37 weeks.  My water broke 20 hours after my last dose.
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    I went into PTL at 29.5wks. Started out at 10mg every 6 hours, went into PTL a week later so they increased it to 20mg every 4 hours. I was also on bedrest up until this past Monday. I had contractions the whole time, nothing regular but some days I would have a lot. They have increased over time. I have been making slow progress each week in the past 2-3 wks. I am now at 3cm, 100% effaced, & +1 station. I continue the medication until Sunday and my doctor thinks if I am still pregnant then it won't be long.

    My ultimate goal was 35-36wks, I am now in my 35th week so I made it. But it really helped me to make short term goals because each week is soo much better! GL!

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    I have been on procardia since about 26 weeks.  My doctor lets me vary my dosage based upon how I am feeling.  I take 10 mg every 6 hours, 20 mg every 6 hours, or if they come sooner I am allowed to take 10 mg every 4 hours. 

    My cervical lengths have been great, so my guess is I go overdue after all the worry.  However that would not be a bad thing!

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    I was it from 24-34 wk with DS. I started at 10mg every 6 hours and ended up on 20mg every 4 hours. I delivered him at 36wk. I continued to contract on it (even mag never truly stopped my contractions though) and have cervical changes despite procardia and bedrest.

     i'm just started it this week for this pg. i'm taking 10mg every 8 hours and i'm noticing a few contractions each hour.

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    I am 34 weeks and 3 days. I have been on Procardia since 31 weeks. I started having contractions every 2 mins at 31 weeks, but had no signs of labor (cervix was closed and thick).  I am still having contractions, particularly during the daytime, so my doctor up'd my dosage to 10mg every 4 hours during the day time. I have noticed some not so fun side effects with increasing the dosage - flushed face, nauseus (sp?), lightheaded.  I thought doing the restricted bedrest during my bad hours (4:30pm-7:30pm) was the better approach than increasing the dosage until yesterday.  Even lying down did not help. I was having such frequent and strong contractions I was sure at times that I would have to go to L&D. Luckily that passed. I am calling the doc today to see what I can do - that was scary. I just want to make it to 36 weeks. I am a disability attorney and work on a daily basis with kids who were born prematurely. I want to give my baby his or her best shot at being as strong and developed as he or she can be. I am so happy to find this blog. 
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