High-Risk Pregnancy

lovenox/arixtra ladies?

Hi there--I'm waiting for the call from my RE with hopefully good news confirming a pg!  I'm losing it and trying to keep busy by posting ;).  If I am pg, I have to start arixtra injections right away and I'm pretty nervous about that.  Is it terrible?  (Granted, it will be worth it if it means I get to keep this pregnancy after so many losses).  I hope I'm able to join this board very soon!  GL to all of you.

Re: lovenox/arixtra ladies?

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    Hi, is arixtra the same as lovenox?  I inject lovenox twice a day, and it's not that bad honestly.  I mean, if I didn't have to do it I would, of course, rather not, but in the scheme of things...it's really just a drop in the bucket.  I do find I bruise less and it hurts less if I ice before and after each shot.  There are certain parts on my lower love handles where I seriously barely feel it with ice. 

    Some things to know so you won't freak out - sometimes a big bruise is inevitable.  Also, you can delvelop painful little knots under an injections site, I have one right now - they go away on their own after a few days.  Occasionally I bleed a little, but sometimes not at all. 

    I look forward to the end of the shots, but more because it can be an irritant to remember than anything else.  And of course, shots are not fun - but you can do this for sure!

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    Shots are no fun, no matter how you cut it, but it truly becomes old hat.  I have about one, maybe two, bad shots a week.  But I've gotten a technique down where I hardly feel it.  You'll find what works for you.

    I hate that you'll be joining us over here, but I hope that you are indeed pregnant! =)

    m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11

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