Trouble TTC

Fvck! undo! undo!

I just added that book "Conquering Infertility" to my goodreads TBR list... I completely forgot that this shows on my FB wall!! 

Now I need to stalk myself to delete it the moment it comes up, and my boss is over my shoulder watching my every move.  I should have figured, with the day I'm having.

Helene (Nova726)'s book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf) Follow Me on Pinterest

Re: Fvck! undo! undo!

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    oops!  I hope you can get to it quickly!

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
    Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14

    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

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    i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)



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    Okay, I removed it.  I hope not many people saw it, I've outed myself to some friends but I'm not ready for all of FB to know my personal problems.

    Anybody want to do me the huge favor of looking at my profile to make sure it's really gone?

    Helene (Nova726)'s book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf) Follow Me on Pinterest
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    Oh no ! I hope you catch it before it posts !

    "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
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    Rut Roh...hope you can fix it :)

    It is NOT on my facebook home page for today. I think you got it!

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    Oh no!!!  :(
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    My Blog
    TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
    4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
    Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
    Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts <3<BR> IVF using Donor Eggs (DE) 6/11
    BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
    Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172

    BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
    GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
    :) SAIFW :)
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    It just showed up on FB, hide it quick!!!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    My Blog
    TTC since 4/09 - Dx PCOS 1/10, HSG: All Clear
    4 Failed Clomid cycles of varying degrees
    Clomid + Bravelle + Trigger + IUI = BFP!!
    Ectopic M/C 9/16/10 ~ Forever in our hearts <3<BR> IVF using Donor Eggs (DE) 6/11
    BCP+Lupron+Estrogen+DE ET+PIO = BFP!!!
    Beta #1: 507 #2: 1561 #3: 4,472 #4: 11,172

    BFPBs Sul06, MrsW722 & SnowflakeBride06
    GL to Mari2003 and all of the rest of the 3T Ladies
    :) SAIFW :)
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    Okay, I removed it.  I hope not many people saw it, I've outed myself to some friends but I'm not ready for all of FB to know my personal problems.

    Anybody want to do me the huge favor of looking at my profile to make sure it's really gone?

    Looks good to me :)  I don't see it anywhere

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    Good thing you caught it on time, let me know what you think about the book.
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    you girls are the best! thanks for checking FB for me.  :::takes a huge sigh of relief:::

    mey - I'll definitely let you know what I think. thanks for the rec.

    Helene (Nova726)'s book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf) Follow Me on Pinterest
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