High-Risk Pregnancy

Just got the GD call

and im taking it really really hard. I see this may be the right board for this. Advice for me? I just feel really stress and at times feel like i cant handle this



Re: Just got the GD call

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    I just had my first counselling appointment on Monday for GD and it really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Really eating this way is the way we should eat for a healthy lifestyle. It's all about watching your carb intake, not eating unnecessary sugar (aka junk and processed foods), checking your blood sugar is kind of a pain but it really doesn't hurt.

    I would take knowing and dealing with it for the next two months over having a large baby with future health problems. I don't always feel so positive about it when I see other people eating things I would like to eat but it is what it is right?

    Best of luck to you..things will be just fine!  

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    I felt the same way---it does stink, but you get used to it and in the end will have a healthy baby Smile  Good Luck!
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     I got the GD call at 26weeks 1 day as well. I took it hard too. But once I got over that I researched everything I could online and changed my diet.  It's not that fun to follow, but it's not too bad either.

    I'm sure you'll have a meeting with a dietician soon so that they can outline your diet and give you your supplies for testing.  Until then you can start with some online resources and start counting your carb intake. 

    here are some helpful links





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    Im just scared of becoming depressed and hating these last three months
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    Im just scared of becoming depressed and hating these last three months

    some days suck and can be hard, but it's not really that terrible.  The next 3 months will still be ok.
    The best thing you can do is plan your meals and make sure you have good things to eat in your house. 

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    I feel the same way! It makes me want to cry every time I think about it. But maybe thats just because I am 29 weeks pregnant. We can do it! 
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