High-Risk Pregnancy

GD and (sorry TMI) sex

Anyone just not into it lately bc of GD or hormones, etc. I feel terrible...but with everything it is the last thing on my mind :( I would like to get back into the swing of things again. Its been weeks (or a month? No clue) I feel like a terrible wife!

Re: GD and (sorry TMI) sex

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    oh my that has been my whole pregnancy. I wasn't allowed to for the longest time then I was allowed around 24 weeks then now I am soooo uncomfortable and the thought of it makes me feel like vomiting.  (nice huh?) I feel bad too, but hey its a few months we have the rest of our marriage for sex right?
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    It's been about 6 weeks for us.  We've tried a time or 2 and things are just different "down there" when you are pregnant.  I normally don't have any problem with lubrication but it's just terrible now.  To top it off, there is no position that's comfortable.  I'm just thankful that my DH understands and isn't demanding!

    I hope that we can be successful at least once before we have the baby. 

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    I have the opposite problem - now that I have hit 2nd tri I feel better and would like to do so...but I have a cervival polyp - so not allowed.  We did it once at 11 weeks - had bleeding - polyp was discovered - and that was it for the pregnancy...I feel bad for my husband, but it took us two years to get to this point - so he says he can wait nine months...


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    I find that I'm not really interested to begin with...but once we get started I'm always glad we did!

    Woo hoo! Yay for Sexy Time!

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    I have very little interest in sex during pregnancy period and didn't my first pregnancy either.  Fortunately DH is very understanding and knows things will pick back up after baby arrives.  Plus I've told him that he'll be getting some starting at 36 weeks in the hopes of moving things along to avoid induction if possible :)
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    It's been throughout both pregnancies for me... & well into breastfeeding after DD was born.  It eventually came back...thankfully but poor DH.
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