High-Risk Pregnancy

Bedrest Ladies ***Mid-week Vent***

I'm starting a new tradition! Go ahead and spill what's ticking you off!!! Just for good measure maybe we should say something that made us happy too!

Vent: I really wish I had some family closer.  All my family is 2 1/2 hours away and they all work for the family business, so it's hard for them to get away...I just wish there were someone that would come visit during the day that I didn't have to care about how the house looked, or how the dogs behaved, etc...

Happy: DH made fettucine alfredo last night to celebrate our negative ffn! 

Re: Bedrest Ladies ***Mid-week Vent***

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    i love this!

    vent: my best friend hasn't even so much as picked up the phone to call me since i got home from the hospital over 2 weeks ago. we gchat but really how hard is it to pick up the phone. not to mention she keep saying she is going to come to see me and never follows through.

     happy: ever since i have been home my 10 year old pomeranian is like a new dog. she had gotten kind of closed off and b!tchy and is now so happy and loving again. she is such a cuddle monster i love it!

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    This is a great idea!

    Vent:  I have 3 BFF's and we are all really close.  In the 6 weeks that I've been home on bedrest I've seen them once.  They don't call me very often either.  I know that everyone's busy and they have their own lives, but I feel like they could step up a little more.  I know that I would do it for them.

    Happy: My dog was at the vet all day yesterday having her teeth cleaned.  And she's back today- and SUPER EXTRA snuggly because of the pain meds she's on.  She's so freaking cute.

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    Vent: it is snowing, again.  It was 67 on Sunday, and we had the top down in the convertible for a drive.  And now it's snowing.  Again.  C'mon spring, where are you?

    Happy: my son has been in OH with our parents for 2 weeks and he is coming home TOMORROW with my ILs.  I can't wait to squeeze him and hear his little voice, even if it is just to ask for McQueen and fruit snacks. =)

    m/c feb 07 ~ m/c twins oct 08 ~ Duncan Thomas: born to heaven 5/19/09 - m/c jan 11

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    Vent: No one has come to visit me this week! (except my mom, I am lucky that my family lives very close).  A friend was supposed to come today but wanted to run errands before it snows, and another friend was supposed to come tomorrow but is canceling because it's supposed to snow.  Stupid weather.

    Happy: I saw from my registry that both of our infant seats have been purchased, so now I can bring my babies home from the hospital!  Also, my husband just found a flip camera at Costco for $120, so that is a treat!

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    Vent:  Today I wish I was at school.  They are having a baby shower for me and I can't even go. :(    I really wish I would get visitors during the week, but I don't.  My DH used to call me 2-3 times a day to check on me, but now I am lucky if he calls once a day.  The phone calls from everyone is slowing down too.  It's lonely during the day when my DH is not home. It's a rainy day outside and it just makes me bummed. 


    Happy:  Even though I will not be at the shower one of my friends from school is coming over today with cake and my shower gifts.  My DH wants to finish the nursery this weekend including washing the baby clothes and everything.  I'll be 35 weeks and you never know when this baby will come. 

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    vent: my neck and back are KILLING me! I take ambien every night to sleep as it is and this morning at 5 am the pain was so bad that it woke me up out of an ambien induced sleep--not cool! And the dr's/nurses are getting on my nerves because they are all like "have you tried a heating pack, taking a hot shower, has PT come to talk w/ you, etc?" yes--ive tried every non-medication option out there which all help for a whopping 5 minutes, as soon as the heat is off or the shower is done or PT stops doing the massage I am in pain again--I know what will work to get rid of the pain: LET ME GET OUT OF BED!! its been 8 weeks in a hospital bed--no sh*t my back and neck hurt! wow--apparently I had more of a vent in me than I thought!

    happy: I get to go on my last 4 hour pass tonight!! As tempting as it is to cuddle in bed w/ DH I think I am going to purposely not lay around so that I can see if my back feels a little better tonight--we are going to finish working on the nursery (We are still waiting on some furniture to come in) and the next time I go home after tonight hopefully I will have my baby!!!! So excited!!! THE END IS NEAR!!! WOOHOO!!

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    vent: my husband does not change my sheets with the frequency that I would prefer. He doesn't understand why I like clean sheets once a week. He's like a college kid who could sleep on the same sheets for a month.

    happy: he finally changed the sheets last night! sleeping on clean sheets makes such a huge difference for me! of course, I already sweated on them last night. sigh.

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    I guess I'll take the vent back today about my DH not calling as much.  He's called me 2 times already to see how I am doing today.  He knows that I have been feeling alot of pelvic pressure and have started to get more painful feeling contractions. I think he got the hint yesterday when I went to the doctor's and was discussing the pain.

    One more vent-  my back and neck hurts like crazy at night!  

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    Bad--I've been pretty cranky and miserable for awhile now.  I'm thinking it might not be a stage that will go away. So maybe I'll be this grouchy b*tch till I give birth?  Ahhhh, I'm so miserable and mad at the world lately.  Poor DH. 

    Sorry for the whiny vent ladies.

    Good--DH and I got approved for our loan and signed the purchase agreement today.  So, looks like we are buying a restaurant!  Crazy, huh?!

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