High-Risk Pregnancy

Mammas with bp problems...

What has your dr. said is "high" as far as bp goes?  My dr. said as long as the bottom number is below 100 that is ok.  However, the nurse at school thinks that anything over 90 is high.  I am worried my dr. may be too lax on this, although I love him and do trust him.  I am just trying to keep an eye out for anything that is dangerous between appts.  I've had these bp episodes over the past few weeks and quite honestly, am tired of them! 

Re: Mammas with bp problems...

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    I was told anything over 140/90 is considered high.
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    My call numbers are 160/110 which seems high but when I am running 140/90 all the time they need some room to go up.  My bottom number hangs out at 98-108 half the day... I am also in the hospital though.  
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    I was put out on bed rest because my top number was getting too high.  My bottom has never been over 83 I believe.  the week I went out on bed rest I was 162/83.  I also starting having more protein in my urine.

    When I went to the doc yesterday morning my BP was 110/80.  Again, still on meds and bed rest though.  This is a good number though. I wish my numbers were like that when I wasn't on bed rest though.

    I don't know what the call numbers are because I think that each person is different when it comes to BP. 

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    as far as changed during pg, gonna depend on your baseline.   Mine was 90/50s prior to dd #1.... started bouncing up at 20wks... and when I hit a diastolic (bottom number) above 80 2 appts in a row my ob got concerned.  pree dx soon followed.  my b/p ended up as high as 160s/120s during that pg.  now back down 100/60s is more my baseline now... but I'm out of shape. I'm sure it's gonna creep up as I get older if I don't get my butt in gear soon. I cannot wait for spring.

    textbook answer  140/90 is high.  but if your baseline prior to pg was 120s-30s/ 80s... you're ob may not be as concerned until that bottom number hits 100.  gonna depend on the overall picture.


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    I think it sometimes depends on your baseline, but for me - I was told to call at anything more than 160/90 (if either number is above). 
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    For me, anything over 140/90 is a cause for concern. I had a pretty low baseline before so this is high for me. The highest has been 155/100.
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    I think everyone is different.  My peri is happy if I can keep my BP below 150/100.  I am have been taking Procardia since first tri, and it has kept my BP around 135/75, so my peri has been very happy. 
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    My call numbers are 160/110 which seems high but when I am running 140/90 all the time they need some room to go up.  My bottom number hangs out at 98-108 half the day... I am also in the hospital though.  


    This almost exactly.  I was told when I came back into the hospital that if my numbers went above 160/110 (I'm assuming that this means consistently since my bp has gotten that since I've been here) they would go ahead and deliver.

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